Class Level0ListOperator<I,T>

  extended by org.op4j.operators.impl.AbstractOperator
      extended by org.op4j.operators.impl.fn.list.Level0ListOperator<I,T>
All Implemented Interfaces:
ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>, CastableToListOperator, ConvertibleToArrayOperator<T>, ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator<T>, ConvertibleToMapOperator<T>, ConvertibleToSetOperator, DistinguishableOperator, ExecutableListOperator<T>, GenerizableOperator<I,List<T>>, ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>, NavigableCollectionOperator<T>, Operator, ReplaceableIfNullOperator<List<T>>, ReplaceableOperator<List<T>>, ReversibleOperator<T>, SelectableOperator<List<T>>, SortableOperator<T>, TotalizableOperator<I,T>, UniqFnOperator<I,List<T>>, UniqOperator<List<T>>

public final class Level0ListOperator<I,T>
extends AbstractOperator
implements UniqFnOperator<I,List<T>>, ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>

Daniel Fernández

Constructor Summary
Level0ListOperator(Target target)
Method Summary
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> add(T newElement)
           Adds the specified element at the end of the target structure object.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> addAll(Collection<T> collection)
           Adds all the elements in the specified collection to the target structure object.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> addAll(T... newElements)
           Adds all the specified elements at the end of the target structure object.
 Level0GenericUniqOperator<I,Boolean> all(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Level0GenericUniqOperator<I,Boolean> any(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
<X> Level0ListOperator<I,X>
castToListOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<X> type)
           Casts the operator's target as a list of the specified type.
 Level0MapOperator<I,T,T> couple()
           Converts the target object to a map, by using the even elements (starting at 0) as keys, and the odd elements as values.
 Level0MapOperator<I,T,List<T>> coupleAndGroup()
           Converts the target object to a map, by using the even elements (starting at 0) as keys, and the odd elements as values.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> distinct()
           Removes all duplicate elements from the target collection or array.
<X> Level0GenericUniqOperator<I,X>
exec(IFunction<? super List<T>,X> function)
           Executes the specified function on the target list, creating a new generic operator containing the result of the execution and setting the new operator type to the one specified.
<X> Level0ListOperator<I,X>
execAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> function)
           Executes the specified function on the target object, creating a new list operator containing the result of the execution.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> execIfFalseAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,Boolean> eval, IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<? extends T>> function)
           Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
<X> Level0ListOperator<I,X>
execIfFalseAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,Boolean> eval, IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> function, IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> elseFunction)
           Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> execIfNotNullAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<? extends T>> function)
           Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
<X> Level0ListOperator<I,X>
execIfNotNullAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> function, IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> elseFunction)
           Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> execIfNullAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<? extends T>> function)
           Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
<X> Level0ListOperator<I,X>
execIfNullAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> function, IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> elseFunction)
           Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> execIfTrueAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,Boolean> eval, IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<? extends T>> function)
           Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
<X> Level0ListOperator<I,X>
execIfTrueAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,Boolean> eval, IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> function, IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> elseFunction)
           Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
 Level1ListElementsOperator<I,T> forEach()
           Iterates the target collection.
 Level0GenericUniqOperator<I,List<T>> generic()
           Converts the specialized structure operator into generic operators (with no specific methods for structures - e.g. forEach())
 Function<I,List<T>> get()
           Returns a function which will execute all the logic specified from the "Fn.on" expression.
 Level0ListSelectedOperator<I,T> ifFalse(IFunction<? super List<T>,Boolean> eval)
           Selects only those targets for which the specified evaluator returns false.
 Level0ListSelectedOperator<I,T> ifNotNull()
           Selects only those targets which are not null.
 Level0ListSelectedOperator<I,T> ifNull()
           Selects only those targets which are null.
 Level0ListSelectedOperator<I,T> ifTrue(IFunction<? super List<T>,Boolean> eval)
           Selects only those targets for which the specified evaluator returns true.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> insert(int position, T newElement)
           Inserts a new element into the specified position (starting in 0) of the target structure object.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> insertAll(int position, T... newElements)
           Inserts new elements into the specified position (starting in 0) of the target structure object.
<X> Level0ListOperator<I,X>
map(IFunction<? super T,X> function)
           Executes the specified function on each of the elements, creating a new list operator containing the result of all the executions and setting the new operator type to the one resulting from the function execution.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> mapIfFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval, IFunction<? super T,? extends T> function)
           Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
<X> Level0ListOperator<I,X>
mapIfFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval, IFunction<? super T,X> function, IFunction<? super T,X> elseFunction)
           Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> mapIfNotNull(IFunction<? super T,? extends T> function)
           Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
<X> Level0ListOperator<I,X>
mapIfNotNull(IFunction<? super T,X> function, IFunction<? super T,X> elseFunction)
           Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> mapIfNull(IFunction<? super T,? extends T> function)
           Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
<X> Level0ListOperator<I,X>
mapIfNull(IFunction<? super T,X> function, IFunction<? super T,X> elseFunction)
           Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> mapIfTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval, IFunction<? super T,? extends T> function)
           Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
<X> Level0ListOperator<I,X>
mapIfTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval, IFunction<? super T,X> function, IFunction<? super T,X> elseFunction)
           Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.
<X> Level0ListOperator<I,X>
of(org.javaruntype.type.Type<X> type)
           Casts the operator's target as a list of the specified type.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllEqual(T... values)
           Removes the specified values from the target structure object.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
           Removes from the target structure object all the elements which evaluate as false using the specified evaluator.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllIndexes(int... indexes)
           Removes all the elements in the target structure object which position (index) in it matches one the specified indexes.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllIndexesNot(int... indexes)
           Removes all the elements in the target structure object except those which position (index) in it matches one of the specified indexes.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllNotNullAndFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
           Removes from the target structure object all the elements which are not null and evaluate as false using the specified evaluator.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllNotNullAndTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
           Removes from the target structure object all the elements which are not null and evaluate as true using the specified evaluator.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllNull()
           Remove all the null elements in the target structure object.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllNullOrFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
           Removes from the target structure object all the elements which either are null or evaluate as false using the specified evaluator.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllNullOrTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
           Removes from the target structure object all the elements which either are null or evaluate as true using the specified evaluator.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
           Removes from the target structure object all the elements which evaluate as true using the specified evaluator.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> replaceIfNullWith(List<T> replacement)
           Replaces the current target object with the specified replacement if the current target is null.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> replaceWith(List<T> replacement)
           Replaces the current target object with the specified replacement.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> reverse()
           Reverses the elements of the structure.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> sort()
           Sorts the elements of the structure according to their natural ordering.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> sort(Comparator<? super T> comparator)
           Sorts the elements of the structure according to the order induced by the specified comparator.
 Level0ListOperator<I,T> sortBy(IFunction<? super T,?> by)
           Sorts the elements of the structure according to the result of executing the specified function.
 Level0ArrayOperator<I,T> toArrayOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> type)
           Converts the current target to an array of the specified type.
<K,V> Level0MapOperator<I,K,List<V>>
toGroupMap(IFunction<? super T,K> keyFunction, IFunction<? super T,V> valueFunction)
           Converts the target object to a map by inputting the original target's elements into the specified map builder (a function returning map entries) which will create the resulting keys and values.
<K,V> Level0MapOperator<I,K,List<V>>
toGroupMap(IFunction<? super T,Map.Entry<K,V>> mapBuilder)
           Converts the target object to a map by inputting the original target's elements into the specified map builder (a function returning map entries) which will create the resulting keys and values.
<K,V> Level0MapOperator<I,K,V>
toMap(IFunction<? super T,K> keyFunction, IFunction<? super T,V> valueFunction)
           Converts the target object to a map by inputting the original target's elements into the specified functions, which will create the resulting keys and values.
<K,V> Level0MapOperator<I,K,V>
toMap(IFunction<? super T,Map.Entry<K,V>> mapBuilder)
           Converts the target object to a map by inputting the original target's elements into the specified map builder (a function returning map entries) which will create the resulting keys and values.
 Level0SetOperator<I,T> toSet()
           Converts the current target into a set.
<K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,List<T>>
zipAndGroupKeys(K... keys)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values the specified objects as keys.
<K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,List<T>>
zipAndGroupKeysBy(IFunction<? super T,K> keyEval)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values and applying an evaluator (keyEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding keys.
<K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,List<T>>
zipAndGroupKeysFrom(Collection<K> keys)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values the specified objects as keys.
<K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,List<T>>
zipAndGroupKeysFrom(K[] keys)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values the specified objects as keys.
<V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,List<V>>
zipAndGroupValues(V... values)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and the specified objects as values.
<V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,List<V>>
zipAndGroupValuesBy(IFunction<? super T,V> valueEval)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and applying an evaluator (valueEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding value.
<V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,List<V>>
zipAndGroupValuesFrom(Collection<V> values)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and the specified objects as values.
<V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,List<V>>
zipAndGroupValuesFrom(V[] values)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and the specified objects as values.
<K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,T>
zipKeys(K... keys)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values and setting the specified objects as keys.
<K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,T>
zipKeysBy(IFunction<? super T,K> keyEval)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values and applying an evaluator (keyEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding keys.
<K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,T>
zipKeysFrom(Collection<K> keys)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values and setting the specified objects as keys.
<K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,T>
zipKeysFrom(K[] keys)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values and setting the specified objects as keys.
<V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,V>
zipValues(V... values)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and applying an evaluator (valueEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding value.
<V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,V>
zipValuesBy(IFunction<? super T,V> valueEval)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and applying an evaluator (valueEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding value.
<V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,V>
zipValuesFrom(Collection<V> values)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and applying an evaluator (valueEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding value.
<V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,V>
zipValuesFrom(V[] values)
           Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and applying an evaluator (valueEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding value.
Methods inherited from class org.op4j.operators.impl.AbstractOperator
Methods inherited from class Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Level0ListOperator(Target target)
Method Detail


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> add(T newElement)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Adds the specified element at the end of the target structure object.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
add in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
add in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
newElement - the element to be added
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> addAll(T... newElements)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Adds all the specified elements at the end of the target structure object.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
addAll in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
addAll in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
newElements - the elements to be added
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> insert(int position,
                                      T newElement)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Inserts a new element into the specified position (starting in 0) of the target structure object.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
insert in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
insert in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
position - the position in which the new element will be inserted (starting in 0)
newElement - the element to be inserted
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> insertAll(int position,
                                         T... newElements)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Inserts new elements into the specified position (starting in 0) of the target structure object.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
insertAll in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
insertAll in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
position - the position in which the new element will be inserted (starting in 0)
newElements - the elements to be inserted
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> addAll(Collection<T> collection)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Adds all the elements in the specified collection to the target structure object.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
addAll in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
addAll in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
collection - the collection containing the elements to be added
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> distinct()
Description copied from interface: DistinguishableOperator

Removes all duplicate elements from the target collection or array.

Specified by:
distinct in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
distinct in interface DistinguishableOperator
an operator with the resulting target collection or array.


public Level1ListElementsOperator<I,T> forEach()
Description copied from interface: NavigableCollectionOperator

Iterates the target collection. After executing this method, any further operations will be applied on each of the collection elements until an "endFor()" method is called.

Specified by:
forEach in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
forEach in interface NavigableCollectionOperator<T>
an operator which will execute all operations on each element of the collection.


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllIndexes(int... indexes)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Removes all the elements in the target structure object which position (index) in it matches one the specified indexes.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
removeAllIndexes in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
removeAllIndexes in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
indexes - the positions of the elements to be removed
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllEqual(T... values)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Removes the specified values from the target structure object.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
removeAllEqual in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
removeAllEqual in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
values - the values to be removed from the target.
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Removes from the target structure object all the elements which evaluate as true using the specified evaluator.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
removeAllTrue in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
removeAllTrue in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
eval - the evaluator to be used, which must return Boolean
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Removes from the target structure object all the elements which evaluate as false using the specified evaluator.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
removeAllFalse in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
removeAllFalse in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
eval - the evaluator to be used, which must return Boolean
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllNullOrFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Removes from the target structure object all the elements which either are null or evaluate as false using the specified evaluator.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
removeAllNullOrFalse in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
removeAllNullOrFalse in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
eval - the evaluator to be used, which must return Boolean
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllNotNullAndFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Removes from the target structure object all the elements which are not null and evaluate as false using the specified evaluator.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
removeAllNotNullAndFalse in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
removeAllNotNullAndFalse in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
eval - the evaluator to be used, which must return Boolean
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllNullOrTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Removes from the target structure object all the elements which either are null or evaluate as true using the specified evaluator.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
removeAllNullOrTrue in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
removeAllNullOrTrue in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
eval - the evaluator to be used, which must return Boolean
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllNotNullAndTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Removes from the target structure object all the elements which are not null and evaluate as true using the specified evaluator.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
removeAllNotNullAndTrue in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
removeAllNotNullAndTrue in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
eval - the evaluator to be used, which must return Boolean
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllIndexesNot(int... indexes)
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Removes all the elements in the target structure object except those which position (index) in it matches one of the specified indexes.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
removeAllIndexesNot in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
removeAllIndexesNot in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
indexes - the positions of the elements to be kept
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> removeAllNull()
Description copied from interface: ModifiableCollectionOperator

Remove all the null elements in the target structure object.

The original target object is not modified, but copied instead.

Specified by:
removeAllNull in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
removeAllNull in interface ModifiableCollectionOperator<T>
an operator holding the modified target object


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> sort()
Description copied from interface: SortableOperator

Sorts the elements of the structure according to their natural ordering.

Specified by:
sort in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
sort in interface SortableOperator<T>
an operator containing the sorted structure as target object.


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> sort(Comparator<? super T> comparator)
Description copied from interface: SortableOperator

Sorts the elements of the structure according to the order induced by the specified comparator.

Specified by:
sort in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
sort in interface SortableOperator<T>
comparator - the comparator to be used.
an operator containing the sorted structure as target object.


public Level0ArrayOperator<I,T> toArrayOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> type)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToArrayOperator

Converts the current target to an array of the specified type.

Specified by:
toArrayOf in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
toArrayOf in interface ConvertibleToArrayOperator<T>
type - the type of the array elements.
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public Level0MapOperator<I,T,T> couple()
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOperator

Converts the target object to a map, by using the even elements (starting at 0) as keys, and the odd elements as values.

Specified by:
couple in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
couple in interface ConvertibleToMapOperator<T>
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public Level0MapOperator<I,T,List<T>> coupleAndGroup()
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator

Converts the target object to a map, by using the even elements (starting at 0) as keys, and the odd elements as values. Values with the same key will be grouped into lists.

Specified by:
coupleAndGroup in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
coupleAndGroup in interface ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator<T>
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,T> zipKeysBy(IFunction<? super T,K> keyEval)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values and applying an evaluator (keyEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding keys.

Note that if more than one value get the same key, only the last one will be in the resulting map (the other ones will be overwritten).

Specified by:
zipKeysBy in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipKeysBy in interface ConvertibleToMapOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
K - the type of the keys that will be created
keyEval - the evaluator used for obtaining the keys
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,V> zipValuesBy(IFunction<? super T,V> valueEval)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and applying an evaluator (valueEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding value.

Note that if more than one value get the same key, only the last one will be in the resulting map (the other ones will be overwritten).

Specified by:
zipValuesBy in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipValuesBy in interface ConvertibleToMapOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
V - the type of the values that will be created
valueEval - the evaluator used for obtaining the values
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,T> zipKeys(K... keys)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values and setting the specified objects as keys.

Note that if more than one value get the same key, only the last one will be in the resulting map (the other ones will be overwritten).

Specified by:
zipKeys in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipKeys in interface ConvertibleToMapOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
K - the type of the keys
keys - the new keys
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,V> zipValues(V... values)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and applying an evaluator (valueEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding value.

Specified by:
zipValues in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipValues in interface ConvertibleToMapOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
V - the type of the values
values - the new values
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,List<T>> zipAndGroupKeysBy(IFunction<? super T,K> keyEval)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values and applying an evaluator (keyEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding keys. Values with the same key will be grouped into lists.

Specified by:
zipAndGroupKeysBy in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipAndGroupKeysBy in interface ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
K - the type of the keys that will be created
keyEval - the evaluator used for obtaining the keys
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,List<V>> zipAndGroupValuesBy(IFunction<? super T,V> valueEval)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and applying an evaluator (valueEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding value. Values with the same key will be grouped into lists.

Specified by:
zipAndGroupValuesBy in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipAndGroupValuesBy in interface ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
V - the type of the values that will be created
valueEval - the evaluator used for obtaining the values
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,List<T>> zipAndGroupKeys(K... keys)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values the specified objects as keys. Values with the same key will be grouped into lists.

Specified by:
zipAndGroupKeys in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipAndGroupKeys in interface ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
K - the type of the keys that will be created
keys - the keys to be zipped
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,List<V>> zipAndGroupValues(V... values)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and the specified objects as values. Values with the same key will be grouped into lists.

Specified by:
zipAndGroupValues in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipAndGroupValues in interface ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
V - the type of the values that will be created
values - the values to be zipped
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <K,V> Level0MapOperator<I,K,V> toMap(IFunction<? super T,Map.Entry<K,V>> mapBuilder)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOperator

Converts the target object to a map by inputting the original target's elements into the specified map builder (a function returning map entries) which will create the resulting keys and values.

Note that if more than one value get the same key, only the last one will be in the resulting map (the other ones will be overwritten).

Specified by:
toMap in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
toMap in interface ConvertibleToMapOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
K - the type of the keys that will be created
V - the type of the values that will be created
mapBuilder - the map builder function to be used
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <K,V> Level0MapOperator<I,K,List<V>> toGroupMap(IFunction<? super T,Map.Entry<K,V>> mapBuilder)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator

Converts the target object to a map by inputting the original target's elements into the specified map builder (a function returning map entries) which will create the resulting keys and values. Values with the same key will be grouped into lists.

Specified by:
toGroupMap in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
toGroupMap in interface ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
K - the type of the keys that will be created
V - the type of the values that will be created
mapBuilder - the map builder function to be used
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public Level0SetOperator<I,T> toSet()
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToSetOperator

Converts the current target into a set.

Specified by:
toSet in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
toSet in interface ConvertibleToSetOperator
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public Function<I,List<T>> get()
Description copied from interface: UniqFnOperator

Returns a function which will execute all the logic specified from the "Fn.on" expression.

Specified by:
get in interface UniqFnOperator<I,List<T>>
the function.


public Level0GenericUniqOperator<I,List<T>> generic()
Description copied from interface: GenerizableOperator

Converts the specialized structure operator into generic operators (with no specific methods for structures - e.g. forEach())

Specified by:
generic in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
generic in interface GenerizableOperator<I,List<T>>
a generic operator on the same target object


public <X> Level0ListOperator<I,X> of(org.javaruntype.type.Type<X> type)
Description copied from interface: CastableToListOperator

Casts the operator's target as a list of the specified type.

Specified by:
of in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
of in interface CastableToListOperator
Type Parameters:
X - the type of the elements of the list
type - the type of the elements of the list
the resulting casted operator


public <X> Level0ListOperator<I,X> castToListOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<X> type)
Description copied from interface: CastableToListOperator

Casts the operator's target as a list of the specified type.

Specified by:
castToListOf in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
castToListOf in interface CastableToListOperator
Type Parameters:
X - the type of the elements of the list
type - the type of the elements of the list
the resulting casted operator


public Level0ListSelectedOperator<I,T> ifTrue(IFunction<? super List<T>,Boolean> eval)
Description copied from interface: SelectableOperator

Selects only those targets for which the specified evaluator returns true. After this method, all the subsequently executed operations will only be executed on the target objects selected here, until an "endIf()" method is called.

Specified by:
ifTrue in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
ifTrue in interface SelectableOperator<List<T>>
eval - the evaluator to be used for selecting targets.
an operator which will execute all subsequent operations only on the selected target objects.


public Level0ListSelectedOperator<I,T> ifFalse(IFunction<? super List<T>,Boolean> eval)
Description copied from interface: SelectableOperator

Selects only those targets for which the specified evaluator returns false. After this method, all the subsequently executed operations will only be executed on the target objects selected here, until an "endIf()" method is called.

Specified by:
ifFalse in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
ifFalse in interface SelectableOperator<List<T>>
eval - the evaluator to be used for selecting targets.
an operator which will execute all subsequent operations only on the selected target objects.


public Level0ListSelectedOperator<I,T> ifNotNull()
Description copied from interface: SelectableOperator

Selects only those targets which are not null. After this method, all the subsequently executed operations will only be executed on the target objects selected here, until an "endIf()" method is called.

Specified by:
ifNotNull in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
ifNotNull in interface SelectableOperator<List<T>>
an operator which will execute all subsequent operations only on the selected target objects.


public Level0ListSelectedOperator<I,T> ifNull()
Description copied from interface: SelectableOperator

Selects only those targets which are null. After this method, all the subsequently executed operations will only be executed on the target objects selected here, until an "endIf()" method is called.

Specified by:
ifNull in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
ifNull in interface SelectableOperator<List<T>>
an operator which will execute all subsequent operations only on the selected target objects.


public <X> Level0ListOperator<I,X> execAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> function)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Executes the specified function on the target object, creating a new list operator containing the result of the execution.

This function must be able to take as input a list of the current operator's target type, and can return a list of a different type, which will be from then on the new operator's target type.

Specified by:
execAsList in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
execAsList in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
X - the type of the result elements
function - the function to be executed
an operator on the results of function execution


public <X> Level0GenericUniqOperator<I,X> exec(IFunction<? super List<T>,X> function)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Executes the specified function on the target list, creating a new generic operator containing the result of the execution and setting the new operator type to the one specified.

Specified by:
exec in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
exec in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
X - the type of the result object
function - the function to be executed
an operator on the results of function execution


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> replaceWith(List<T> replacement)
Description copied from interface: ReplaceableOperator

Replaces the current target object with the specified replacement.

Specified by:
replaceWith in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
replaceWith in interface ReplaceableOperator<List<T>>
replacement - the object which will replace the current target object.
an operator containing the replacement object as target.


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> replaceIfNullWith(List<T> replacement)
Description copied from interface: ReplaceableIfNullOperator

Replaces the current target object with the specified replacement if the current target is null.

Specified by:
replaceIfNullWith in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
replaceIfNullWith in interface ReplaceableIfNullOperator<List<T>>
replacement - the object which will replace the current target object if target is null.
an operator containing the original target object if it was not null, or the new one if null.


public <X> Level0ListOperator<I,X> map(IFunction<? super T,X> function)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Executes the specified function on each of the elements, creating a new list operator containing the result of all the executions and setting the new operator type to the one resulting from the function execution.

This method is equivalent to forEach().exec(function).endFor().

Specified by:
map in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
map in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
X - the type of the result elements
function - the function to be executed
an operator on the results of function execution on each element


public Level0GenericUniqOperator<I,Boolean> all(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
Specified by:
all in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
all in interface TotalizableOperator<I,T>


public Level0GenericUniqOperator<I,Boolean> any(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
Specified by:
any in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
any in interface TotalizableOperator<I,T>


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> sortBy(IFunction<? super T,?> by)
Description copied from interface: SortableOperator

Sorts the elements of the structure according to the result of executing the specified function.

Specified by:
sortBy in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
sortBy in interface SortableOperator<T>
by - the function to be executed in order to obtain the compared object
an operator containing the sorted structure as target object.


public <K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,List<T>> zipAndGroupKeysFrom(Collection<K> keys)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values the specified objects as keys. Values with the same key will be grouped into lists.

Specified by:
zipAndGroupKeysFrom in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipAndGroupKeysFrom in interface ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
K - the type of the keys that will be created
keys - the keys to be zipped
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,List<T>> zipAndGroupKeysFrom(K[] keys)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values the specified objects as keys. Values with the same key will be grouped into lists.

Specified by:
zipAndGroupKeysFrom in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipAndGroupKeysFrom in interface ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
K - the type of the keys that will be created
keys - the keys to be zipped
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,List<V>> zipAndGroupValuesFrom(Collection<V> values)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and the specified objects as values. Values with the same key will be grouped into lists.

Specified by:
zipAndGroupValuesFrom in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipAndGroupValuesFrom in interface ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
V - the type of the values that will be created
values - the values to be zipped
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,List<V>> zipAndGroupValuesFrom(V[] values)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and the specified objects as values. Values with the same key will be grouped into lists.

Specified by:
zipAndGroupValuesFrom in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipAndGroupValuesFrom in interface ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
V - the type of the values that will be created
values - the values to be zipped
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,T> zipKeysFrom(Collection<K> keys)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values and setting the specified objects as keys.

Note that if more than one value get the same key, only the last one will be in the resulting map (the other ones will be overwritten).

Specified by:
zipKeysFrom in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipKeysFrom in interface ConvertibleToMapOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
K - the type of the keys
keys - the new keys
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <K> Level0MapOperator<I,K,T> zipKeysFrom(K[] keys)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as values and setting the specified objects as keys.

Note that if more than one value get the same key, only the last one will be in the resulting map (the other ones will be overwritten).

Specified by:
zipKeysFrom in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipKeysFrom in interface ConvertibleToMapOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
K - the type of the keys
keys - the new keys
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,V> zipValuesFrom(Collection<V> values)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and applying an evaluator (valueEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding value.

Specified by:
zipValuesFrom in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipValuesFrom in interface ConvertibleToMapOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
V - the type of the values
values - the new values
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <V> Level0MapOperator<I,T,V> zipValuesFrom(V[] values)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOperator

Converts the target object to a map by using the original target's elements as keys and applying an evaluator (valueEval) to them in order to obtain their corresponding value.

Specified by:
zipValuesFrom in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
zipValuesFrom in interface ConvertibleToMapOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
V - the type of the values
values - the new values
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> reverse()
Description copied from interface: ReversibleOperator

Reverses the elements of the structure.

Specified by:
reverse in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
reverse in interface ReversibleOperator<T>
an operator containing the reversed structure as target object.


public <K,V> Level0MapOperator<I,K,List<V>> toGroupMap(IFunction<? super T,K> keyFunction,
                                                       IFunction<? super T,V> valueFunction)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator

Converts the target object to a map by inputting the original target's elements into the specified map builder (a function returning map entries) which will create the resulting keys and values. Values with the same key will be grouped into lists.

Specified by:
toGroupMap in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
toGroupMap in interface ConvertibleToMapOfListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
K - the type of the keys that will be created
V - the type of the values that will be created
keyFunction - the function for building the keys
valueFunction - the function for building the values
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public <K,V> Level0MapOperator<I,K,V> toMap(IFunction<? super T,K> keyFunction,
                                            IFunction<? super T,V> valueFunction)
Description copied from interface: ConvertibleToMapOperator

Converts the target object to a map by inputting the original target's elements into the specified functions, which will create the resulting keys and values.

Note that if more than one value get the same key, only the last one will be in the resulting map (the other ones will be overwritten).

Specified by:
toMap in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
toMap in interface ConvertibleToMapOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
K - the type of the keys that will be created
V - the type of the values that will be created
keyFunction - the function for building the keys
valueFunction - the function for building the values
an operator holding the converted object as target.


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> execIfFalseAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,Boolean> eval,
                                                 IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<? extends T>> function)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
execIfFalseAsList in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
execIfFalseAsList in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
eval - the evaluation function used to select elements
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public <X> Level0ListOperator<I,X> execIfFalseAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,Boolean> eval,
                                                     IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> function,
                                                     IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> elseFunction)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
execIfFalseAsList in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
execIfFalseAsList in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
X - the new type returned by the functions
eval - the evaluation function used to select elements
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
elseFunction - the function to be executed on the non-selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> execIfNotNullAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<? extends T>> function)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
execIfNotNullAsList in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
execIfNotNullAsList in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public <X> Level0ListOperator<I,X> execIfNotNullAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> function,
                                                       IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> elseFunction)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
execIfNotNullAsList in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
execIfNotNullAsList in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
X - the new type returned by the functions
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
elseFunction - the function to be executed on the non-selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> execIfNullAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<? extends T>> function)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
execIfNullAsList in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
execIfNullAsList in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public <X> Level0ListOperator<I,X> execIfNullAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> function,
                                                    IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> elseFunction)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
execIfNullAsList in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
execIfNullAsList in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
X - the new type returned by the functions
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
elseFunction - the function to be executed on the non-selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> execIfTrueAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,Boolean> eval,
                                                IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<? extends T>> function)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
execIfTrueAsList in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
execIfTrueAsList in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
eval - the evaluation function used to select elements
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public <X> Level0ListOperator<I,X> execIfTrueAsList(IFunction<? super List<T>,Boolean> eval,
                                                    IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> function,
                                                    IFunction<? super List<T>,? extends List<X>> elseFunction)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Executes a function in a way equivalent to ExecutableListOperator.execAsList(IFunction) but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
execIfTrueAsList in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
execIfTrueAsList in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
X - the new type returned by the functions
eval - the evaluation function used to select elements
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
elseFunction - the function to be executed on the non-selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> mapIfFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval,
                                          IFunction<? super T,? extends T> function)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
mapIfFalse in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
mapIfFalse in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
eval - the evaluation function used to select elements
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public <X> Level0ListOperator<I,X> mapIfFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval,
                                              IFunction<? super T,X> function,
                                              IFunction<? super T,X> elseFunction)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
mapIfFalse in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
mapIfFalse in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
X - the new type returned by the functions
eval - the evaluation function used to select elements
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
elseFunction - the function to be executed on the non-selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> mapIfNotNull(IFunction<? super T,? extends T> function)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
mapIfNotNull in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
mapIfNotNull in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public <X> Level0ListOperator<I,X> mapIfNotNull(IFunction<? super T,X> function,
                                                IFunction<? super T,X> elseFunction)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
mapIfNotNull in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
mapIfNotNull in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
X - the new type returned by the functions
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
elseFunction - the function to be executed on the non-selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> mapIfNull(IFunction<? super T,? extends T> function)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
mapIfNull in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
mapIfNull in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public <X> Level0ListOperator<I,X> mapIfNull(IFunction<? super T,X> function,
                                             IFunction<? super T,X> elseFunction)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
mapIfNull in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
mapIfNull in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
X - the new type returned by the functions
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
elseFunction - the function to be executed on the non-selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public Level0ListOperator<I,T> mapIfTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval,
                                         IFunction<? super T,? extends T> function)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
mapIfTrue in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
mapIfTrue in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
eval - the evaluation function used to select elements
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution


public <X> Level0ListOperator<I,X> mapIfTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval,
                                             IFunction<? super T,X> function,
                                             IFunction<? super T,X> elseFunction)
Description copied from interface: ExecutableListOperator

Maps a function in a way equivalent to but only on selected elements, leaving all other elements untouched.

Specified by:
mapIfTrue in interface ILevel0ListOperator<I,T>
Specified by:
mapIfTrue in interface ExecutableListOperator<T>
Type Parameters:
X - the new type returned by the functions
eval - the evaluation function used to select elements
function - the function to be executed on the selected elements
elseFunction - the function to be executed on the non-selected elements
an operator on the results of function execution

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