op4j 1.2 RELEASED! (May 14th, 2012). [DOWNLOAD] ChangeLogs: [op4j] [op4j-ognl] [op4j-jodatime]
op4j (pronounced ['op-ah]) is a developer happiness tool. It is a Java library aimed at improving quality, semantics, cleanness and readability of Java code, especially auxiliary code like data conversion, structure iteration, filtering, mapping, etc.
op4j is a powerful implementation of the Fluent Interface style of code. It allows you to create chained expressions which apply both predefined or user-defined functions to your objects in a fluid and readable way. This improves the way your code looks and greatly reduces the complexity of executing auxiliary low-level tasks in the highly bureaucratic, statically -and strongly- typed language that Java is.
But also, op4j is a huge repository of several hundred functions with more than one thousand different parameterizations ready to be used in your expressions. From regular expression matching on Strings to locale-savvy number conversion, to easy Calendar creation. Check the FnX function hub classes online documentation to know more.
op4j is open source, and it is distributed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.
op4j has an EXAMPLE RECIPES BLOG called Bending the Java spoon, where you can find simple and explanatory examples on how to use the library.
For knowing more, read the quick example below, have a look at the Basics page or choose any link from the menu on the left.
Let's see an example of an op4j operation expression.
op4j operation expressions usually start with Op.on(...) (read it as "operate on") specifying the object on which op4j will operate, and end with get(), which effectively executes the defined expression and returns the result. Let's see an example:
Let's convert a List<String> into an (ordered) Set<String>:
// Without op4j Set<String> set = new LinkedHashSet<String>(list); // With op4j Set<String> set = Op.on(list).toSet().get();
Ok, op4j code here was a little bit more readable than "normal" java code... but what if all those Strings were dates in the dd/MM/yyyy format and we wanted to convert them into java.util.Calendar objects?
Let's iterate the newly created set and execute one of op4j's more than 200 predefined functions on each of the set's elements...
Set<Calendar> set = Op.on(list).toSet().forEach().exec(FnString.toCalendar("dd/MM/yyyy")).get();
That was cool. But unfortunately, it seems that some of those Strings could be null, and we don't want nulls to be included in the final result, so let's remove them before executing the conversion...
Set<Calendar> set = Op.on(list).toSet().removeAllNull().forEach().exec(FnString.toCalendar("dd/MM/yyyy")).get();
And a forEach().exec() (= execute on each) operation is what is usually called a "map" operation (in fact map() is a forEach().exec().endFor()), so why not use that more suitable name:
Set<Calendar> set = Op.on(list).toSet().removeAllNull().map(FnString.toCalendar("dd/MM/yyyy")).get();
But we will go a little bit further because we don't want dates in the future, only the past ones, and so we will reposition that removeAllNull() operation after the map operation (conversion will not affect nulls) and extend it with a boolean condition (a function returning a boolean) in order to remove future dates:
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); Set<Calendar> set = Op.on(list).toSet().map(FnString.toCalendar("dd/MM/yyyy")).removeAllNullOrTrue(FnCalendar.after(now)).get();
Wow! this looks great. There is no need to compare with "normal" java code, right?... but let's do it anyway ;-)
// **************************** // WARNING: Non-op4j code!! // **************************** Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); Set<Calendar> set = new LinkedHashSet<Calendar>(); for (String element : list) { if (element != null) { try { date = dateFormat1.parse(element); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new SomeException(e); } Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTimeInMillis(date.getTime()); if (!calendar.after(now)) { set.add(calendar); } } }
Awful!! And this isn't even application logic, it's just auxiliary code for converting and filtering a list of String dates... and it has turned into a lot of complex and hard-to-understand code, probably bigger and uglier than the (much more important) application logic that might surround it.
Output will be exactly the same for both fragments of code. Given:
List<String> list = ["12/10/1492", "6/12/1978", "15/07/2045", null]
...both will return:
Set<Calendar> set = [Calendar(12 October 1492), Calendar(6 December 1978)]
Making it last: turning expressions into functions
And... what if we didn't really want to execute our date handling expression right there, but rather just define it and store it somehow for later use (similar -just similar- to what you'd achieve with a closure)?
Well, then instead of our Op.on(...) we can create an equivalent Fn.on(...) expression with exactly the same structure, and when executing get() we will obtain an executable Function<List<String>,Set<Calendar>> object (read it as "Function that receives a List of String and returns a Set of Calendar"):
Function<List<String>,Set<Calendar>> dateProcessFunction = Fn.onListOf(Types.STRING).toSet().map(FnString.toCalendar("dd/MM/yyyy")).removeAllNullOrTrue(FnCalendar.after(now)).get();
...and then we will be able to use it in an exec operation exactly as any other predefined (or user-defined) function, like:
List<List<String>> listOfListOfStrings = ... List<Set<Calendar>> listOfSetOfCalendars = Op.on(listOfListOfStrings).forEach().exec(dateProcessFunction).get();
... or even directly execute it just like:
Set<Calendar> set = dateProcessFunction.execute(list);
If you want to know more, you should start with The Basics.