Uses of Class

Packages that use Function

Uses of Function in org.op4j.functions

Subclasses of Function in org.op4j.functions
 class AbstractNotNullFunction<T,R>
           Base abstract class for functions throwing an IllegalArgumentException if the target object is null.
 class AbstractNullAsNullFunction<T,R>
           Base abstract class for functions returning null if the target object is null.
 class Call<T,R>
           Function hub class for executing methods of target objects.
 class ExpressionFunction<T,R>
           Base class for all functions returned by Fn.on(...)
 class Get<T,R>
           Function hub class for executing attribute getters in target objects.
 class MapBuilder<T,K,V>
           Base abstract implementation of IFunction aimed at map building, which substitutes the execute(...)

Methods in org.op4j.functions that return Function
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.abs()
           It returns the absolute value of the input
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.abs()
           It returns the absolute value of the input
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.abs()
           It returns the absolute value of the input
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.abs()
           It returns the absolute value of the input
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.abs()
           It returns the absolute value of the input
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.abs()
           It returns the absolute value of the input
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.abs()
           It returns the absolute value of the input
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.add(byte add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.add(byte add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.add(byte add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.add(byte add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.add(byte add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.add(byte add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.add(byte add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.add(double add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.add(double add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.add(double add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.add(double add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.add(double add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.add(double add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.add(double add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.add(float add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.add(float add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.add(float add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.add(float add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.add(float add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.add(float add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.add(float add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.add(int add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.add(int add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.add(int add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.add(int add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.add(int add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.add(int add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.add(int add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.add(int calendarField, int amount)
           Modifies a Date by adding a positive or negative amount to one of its fields.
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.add(int calendarField, int amount)
           Modifies a Calendar by adding a positive or negative amount to one of its fields.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.add(long add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.add(long add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.add(long add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.add(long add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.add(long add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.add(long add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.add(long add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.add(Number add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.add(Number add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.add(Number add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.add(Number add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.add(Number add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.add(Number add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.add(Number add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.add(short add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.add(short add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.add(short add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.add(short add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.add(short add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.add(short add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.add(short add)
           It adds the given number to the target and returns the result
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.add(T... newElements)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.add(T... newElements)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.add(T... newElements)
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.addAll(Collection<T> collection)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.addAll(Collection<T> collection)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.addAll(Collection<T> collection)
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.addDays(int amount)
           Modifies a Date by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "day" property (java.util.Calendar.DATE).
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.addDays(int amount)
           Modifies a Calendar by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "day" property (java.util.Calendar.DATE).
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.addHours(int amount)
           Modifies a Date by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "hour" property (java.util.Calendar.HOUR).
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.addHours(int amount)
           Modifies a Calendar by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "hour" property (java.util.Calendar.HOUR).
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.addMilliseconds(int amount)
           Modifies a Date by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "millisecond" property (java.util.Calendar.MILLISECOND).
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.addMilliseconds(int amount)
           Modifies a Calendar by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "millisecond" property (java.util.Calendar.MILLISECOND).
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.addMinutes(int amount)
           Modifies a Date by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "minutes" property (java.util.Calendar.MINUTES).
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.addMinutes(int amount)
           Modifies a Calendar by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "minute" property (java.util.Calendar.MINUTE).
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.addMonths(int amount)
           Modifies a Date by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "month" property (java.util.Calendar.MONTH).
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.addMonths(int amount)
           Modifies a Calendar by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "month" property (java.util.Calendar.MONTH).
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.addWeeks(int amount)
           Modifies a Date by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "week" property (java.util.Calendar.WEEK).
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.addWeeks(int amount)
           Modifies a Calendar by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "week" property (java.util.Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR).
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.addYears(int amount)
           Modifies a Date by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "year" property (java.util.Calendar.YEAR).
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.addYears(int amount)
           Modifies a Calendar by adding a positive or negative amount to one the "year" property (java.util.Calendar.YEAR).
static Function<Calendar,Boolean> FnCalendar.after(Calendar calendar)
           Determines whether the target Calendar represents a moment in time after the Calendar specified as a parameter.
static Function<Date,Boolean> FnDate.after(Date date)
           Determines whether the target Date represents a moment in time after the Date specified as a parameter.
 Function<Map<K,V>,Boolean> FnMapOf.all(IFunction<? super Map.Entry<K,V>,Boolean> eval)
 Function<Set<T>,Boolean> FnSetOf.all(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<List<T>,Boolean> FnListOf.all(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<T[],Boolean> FnArrayOf.all(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
<X,R extends X>
FnBoolean.and(IFunction<X,Boolean> left, IFunction<? super R,Boolean> right)
           Takes two boolean functions (Function<?
 Function<Map<K,V>,Boolean> FnMapOf.any(IFunction<? super Map.Entry<K,V>,Boolean> eval)
 Function<Set<T>,Boolean> FnSetOf.any(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<List<T>,Boolean> FnListOf.any(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<T[],Boolean> FnArrayOf.any(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
<R> Function<Object,R[]>
Get.arrayOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfArrayOf(Type, String).
<R> Function<Object,R[]>
Call.arrayOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForArrayOf(Type, String, Object...).
static Function<Object,String[]> Get.arrayOfString(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfArrayOfString(String).
static Function<Object,String[]> Call.arrayOfString(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForArrayOfString(String, Object...).
static Function<String,String> FnString.asciify()
           ASCIIfies a String containing text in (mainly) European languages by removing a set of recognized diacritic symbols and performing a number of transformations.
static Function<String,String> FnString.asciify(FnString.AsciifyMode mode)
           ASCIIfies a String containing text in (mainly) European languages by removing a set of recognized diacritic symbols and performing a number of transformations, determined by the FnString.AsciifyMode parameter.
<R> Function<Object,R>
Get.attrOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns R, being R the specified type.
<R> Function<Object,R[]>
Get.attrOfArrayOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns R[], being R the specified type.
static Function<Object,String[]> Get.attrOfArrayOfString(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns String[].
static Function<Object,BigDecimal> Get.attrOfBigDecimal(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns BigDecimal.
static Function<Object,BigInteger> Get.attrOfBigInteger(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns BigInteger.
static Function<Object,Boolean> Get.attrOfBoolean(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns Boolean.
static Function<Object,Byte> Get.attrOfByte(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns Byte.
static Function<Object,Calendar> Get.attrOfCalendar(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns Calendar.
static Function<Object,Character> Get.attrOfCharacter(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns Character.
static Function<Object,Date> Get.attrOfDate(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns Date.
static Function<Object,Double> Get.attrOfDouble(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns Double.
static Function<Object,Float> Get.attrOfFloat(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns Float.
static Function<Object,Integer> Get.attrOfInteger(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns Integer.
<R> Function<Object,List<R>>
Get.attrOfListOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns List<R>, being R the specified type.
static Function<Object,List<String>> Get.attrOfListOfString(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns List<String>.
static Function<Object,Long> Get.attrOfLong(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns Long.
static Function<Object,Object> Get.attrOfObject(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns Object.
<R> Function<Object,Set<R>>
Get.attrOfSetOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns Set<R>, being R the specified type.
static Function<Object,Set<String>> Get.attrOfSetOfString(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns Set<String>.
static Function<Object,Short> Get.attrOfShort(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns Short.
static Function<Object,String> Get.attrOfString(String attributeName)
           Executes a getter (getX()) on the target object which returns String.
static Function<Iterable<Short>,Short> FnShort.avg()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Long>,Long> FnLong.avg()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Integer>,Integer> FnInteger.avg()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Float>,Float> FnFloat.avg()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Double>,Double> FnDouble.avg()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<BigInteger>,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.avg()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<BigDecimal>,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.avg()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Short>,Short> FnShort.avg(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Iterable<Long>,Long> FnLong.avg(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Iterable<Integer>,Integer> FnInteger.avg(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Iterable<Float>,Float> FnFloat.avg(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Iterable<Double>,Double> FnDouble.avg(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Iterable<BigInteger>,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.avg(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Iterable<BigDecimal>,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.avg(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Iterable<Short>,Short> FnShort.avg(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Iterable<Long>,Long> FnLong.avg(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Iterable<Integer>,Integer> FnInteger.avg(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Iterable<Float>,Float> FnFloat.avg(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Iterable<Double>,Double> FnDouble.avg(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Iterable<BigInteger>,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.avg(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Iterable<BigDecimal>,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.avg(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the Iterable input object.
static Function<Short[],Short> FnShort.avgArray()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<Long[],Long> FnLong.avgArray()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<Integer[],Integer> FnInteger.avgArray()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<Float[],Float> FnFloat.avgArray()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<Double[],Double> FnDouble.avgArray()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<BigInteger[],BigInteger> FnBigInteger.avgArray()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<BigDecimal[],BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.avgArray()
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<Short[],Short> FnShort.avgArray(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<Long[],Long> FnLong.avgArray(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<Integer[],Integer> FnInteger.avgArray(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<Float[],Float> FnFloat.avgArray(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<Double[],Double> FnDouble.avgArray(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<BigInteger[],BigInteger> FnBigInteger.avgArray(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<BigDecimal[],BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.avgArray(MathContext mathContext)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<Short[],Short> FnShort.avgArray(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<Long[],Long> FnLong.avgArray(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<Integer[],Integer> FnInteger.avgArray(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<Float[],Float> FnFloat.avgArray(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<Double[],Double> FnDouble.avgArray(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<BigInteger[],BigInteger> FnBigInteger.avgArray(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<BigDecimal[],BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.avgArray(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It returns the average of all the numbers in the input array.
static Function<Object,Byte> Get.b(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfByte(String).
static Function<Object,Byte> Call.b(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForByte(String, Object...).
static Function<Calendar,Boolean> FnCalendar.before(Calendar calendar)
           Determines whether the target Calendar represents a moment in time before the Calendar specified as a parameter.
static Function<Date,Boolean> FnDate.before(Date date)
           Determines whether the target Date represents a moment in time before the Date specified as a parameter.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.between(byte min, byte max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.between(byte min, byte max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.between(double min, double max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.between(double min, double max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.between(double min, double max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.between(float min, float max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.between(float min, float max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.between(float min, float max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.between(int min, int max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.between(int min, int max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.between(int min, int max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.between(long min, long max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.between(long min, long max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.between(long min, long max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.between(Number min, Number max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.between(Number min, Number max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.between(Number min, Number max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.between(Number min, Number max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.between(Number min, Number max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.between(Number min, Number max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.between(Number min, Number max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.between(Number min, Number max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.between(Object min, Object max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.between(short min, short max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.between(short min, short max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.between(short min, short max)
           Determines whether the target object is between min and max in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(min) >>= 0 && target.compareTo(max) <= 0.
static Function<Object,BigDecimal> Get.bigDecimal(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfBigDecimal(String).
static Function<Object,BigDecimal> Call.bigDecimal(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForBigDecimal(String, Object...).
static Function<Object,BigInteger> Get.bigInteger(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfBigInteger(String).
static Function<Object,BigInteger> Call.bigInteger(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForBigInteger(String, Object...).
static Function<Object,Boolean> Get.bool(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfBoolean(String).
static Function<Object,Boolean> Call.bool(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForBoolean(String, Object...).
static Function<Object,Character> Get.c(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfCharacter(String).
static Function<Object,Character> Call.c(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForCharacter(String, Object...).
static Function<Object,Calendar> Get.calendar(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfCalendar(String).
static Function<Object,Calendar> Call.calendar(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForCalendar(String, Object...).
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeBigDecimal()
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigDecimal.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeBigDecimal(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigDecimal using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeBigDecimal(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigDecimal in the given Locale
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeBigDecimal(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigDecimal in the given Locale specified as a String
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeBigInteger()
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigInteger.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeBigInteger(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigInteger using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeBigInteger(int radix)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigInteger in the specified radix.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeBigInteger(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigInteger in the given Locale
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeBigInteger(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigInteger in the given Locale specified as a String
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeByte()
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Byte.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeByte(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Byte using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeByte(int radix)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Byte in the specified radix.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeByte(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Byte in the given Locale.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeByte(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Byte in the given Locale specified as a String.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeDouble()
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Double.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeDouble(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Double using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeDouble(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Double in the given Locale.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeDouble(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Double in the given Locale specified as a String.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeFloat()
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Float.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeFloat(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Float using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeFloat(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Float in the given Locale.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeFloat(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Float in the given Locale specified as a String.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeInteger()
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Integer.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeInteger(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Integer using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeInteger(int radix)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Integer in the specified radix.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeInteger(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Integer in the given Locale.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeInteger(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Integer in the given Locale specified as a String.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeLong()
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Long.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeLong(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Long using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeLong(int radix)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Long in the specified radix.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeLong(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Long in the given Locale.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeLong(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Long in the given Locale specified as a String.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeShort()
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Short.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeShort(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Short using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeShort(int radix)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Short in the specified radix.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeShort(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Short in the given Locale.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.canBeShort(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Short in the given Locale specified as a String.
static Function<String,String> FnString.capitalize()
           Converts the first letter of each word in the target String to upper case.
<X,Y,Z> Function<X,Z>
FnFunc.chain(IFunction<X,Y> fn1, IFunction<? super Y,Z> fn2)
           Chains two functions together.
<X extends org.javatuples.Tuple>
FnTuple.contains(Object value)
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.contains(String regex)
           Determines whether the target String contains a fragment matching the specified regular expression.
 Function<Set<T>,Boolean> FnSetOf.contains(T object)
 Function<List<T>,Boolean> FnListOf.contains(T object)
 Function<T[],Boolean> FnArrayOf.contains(T object)
<X extends org.javatuples.Tuple>
FnTuple.containsAll(Collection<?> collection)
<X extends org.javatuples.Tuple>
FnTuple.containsAll(Object... values)
 Function<Set<T>,Boolean> FnSetOf.containsAll(T... objects)
 Function<List<T>,Boolean> FnListOf.containsAll(T... objects)
 Function<T[],Boolean> FnArrayOf.containsAll(T... objects)
 Function<Map<K,V>,Boolean> FnMapOf.containsAllKeys(K... keys)
 Function<Set<T>,Boolean> FnSetOf.containsAny(T... objects)
 Function<List<T>,Boolean> FnListOf.containsAny(T... objects)
 Function<T[],Boolean> FnArrayOf.containsAny(T... objects)
 Function<Map<K,V>,Boolean> FnMapOf.containsAnyKeys(K... keys)
 Function<Map<K,V>,Boolean> FnMapOf.containsKey(K key)
 Function<Set<T>,Boolean> FnSetOf.containsNone(T... objects)
 Function<List<T>,Boolean> FnListOf.containsNone(T... objects)
 Function<T[],Boolean> FnArrayOf.containsNone(T... objects)
 Function<Map<K,V>,Boolean> FnMapOf.containsNoneKeys(K... keys)
 Function<Set<T>,Integer> FnSetOf.count()
 Function<Map<?,?>,Integer> FnMapOf.count()
 Function<List<T>,Integer> FnListOf.count()
 Function<T[],Integer> FnArrayOf.count()
 Function<Set<T>,Map<T,T>> FnSetOf.couple()
 Function<List<T>,Map<T,T>> FnListOf.couple()
 Function<T[],Map<T,T>> FnArrayOf.couple()
 Function<Set<T>,Map<T,Set<T>>> FnSetOf.coupleAndGroup()
 Function<List<T>,Map<T,List<T>>> FnListOf.coupleAndGroup()
 Function<T[],Map<T,T[]>> FnArrayOf.coupleAndGroup()
static Function<Object,Double> Get.d(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfDouble(String).
static Function<Object,Double> Call.d(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForDouble(String, Object...).
static Function<Object,Date> attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfDate(String).
static Function<Object,Date> methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForDate(String, Object...).
FnTuple.decadeWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function, Function<? super X,J> value9Function)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.distinct()
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.distinct()
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.divideBy(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(byte divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(byte divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(byte divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(byte divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(byte divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(byte divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(byte divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(byte divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(byte divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(byte divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(byte divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(byte divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.divideBy(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(double divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(double divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(double divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(double divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(double divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(double divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(double divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(double divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(double divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(double divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(double divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(double divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.divideBy(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(float divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(float divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(float divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(float divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(float divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(float divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(float divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(float divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(float divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(float divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(float divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(float divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.divideBy(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(int divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(int divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(int divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(int divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(int divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(int divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(int divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(int divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(int divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(int divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(int divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(int divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.divideBy(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(long divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(long divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(long divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(long divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(long divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(long divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(long divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(long divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(long divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(long divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(long divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(long divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.divideBy(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(Number divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(Number divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(Number divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(Number divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(Number divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(Number divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(Number divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(Number divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(Number divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(Number divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(Number divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(Number divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.divideBy(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(short divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(short divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(short divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(short divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(short divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(short divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result with the precision and rounding mode specified by mathContext
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.divideBy(short divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.divideBy(short divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.divideBy(short divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.divideBy(short divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.divideBy(short divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.divideBy(short divisor, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns its result rounded based on the specified rounding mode
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.endsWith(String suffix)
           Checkx whether the input String ends with the specified suffix or not.
FnTuple.enneadWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function)
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.eq(BigDecimal object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.eq(BigInteger object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eq(boolean object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnBoolean.eq(boolean object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnBoolean.eq(Boolean object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eq(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eq(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnCalendar.eq(Calendar object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnDate.eq(Date object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eq(double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eq(double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.eq(double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.eq(Double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eq(float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eq(float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.eq(float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.eq(Float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eq(int object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eq(int object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.eq(int object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.eq(Integer object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eq(long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eq(long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.eq(long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.eq(Long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eq(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eq(Object object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.eq(short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eq(short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eq(short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.eq(Short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnString.eq(String object)
           Performs an equals operation between the target object and the specified one.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.eqBy(IFunction<BigDecimal,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.eqBy(IFunction<BigInteger,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.eqBy(IFunction<Double,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.eqBy(IFunction<Float,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.eqBy(IFunction<Integer,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.eqBy(IFunction<Long,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, Number object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.eqBy(IFunction<Short,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, boolean object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnBoolean.eqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, boolean object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnBoolean.eqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, Boolean object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.eqValue(BigDecimal object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eqValue(boolean object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eqValue(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValue(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eqValue(double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValue(double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.eqValue(double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eqValue(float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValue(float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.eqValue(float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eqValue(int object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValue(int object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.eqValue(int object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eqValue(long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValue(long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.eqValue(long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.eqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.eqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.eqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.eqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.eqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.eqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eqValue(Object object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.eqValue(short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.eqValue(short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValue(short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.eqValueBy(IFunction<BigDecimal,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.eqValueBy(IFunction<BigInteger,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.eqValueBy(IFunction<Double,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.eqValueBy(IFunction<Float,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.eqValueBy(IFunction<Integer,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.eqValueBy(IFunction<Long,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, Number object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.eqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.eqValueBy(IFunction<Short,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, boolean object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.eqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) == 0.
static Function<String,String> FnString.escapeCSV()
           Turns a String into a value valid for being a CSV column value, enclosed in double quotes if needed.
static Function<String,String> FnString.escapeHTML()
           Escapes the characters in a String using HTML entities.
static Function<String,String> FnString.escapeJavaScript()
           Escapes the characters in a String using JavaScript String rules.
static Function<String,String> FnString.escapeXML()
           Escapes the characters in a String using XML entities.
static Function<String,List<String>> FnString.extractAll(String regex)
           Extracts every substring from the target String that match the specified regular expression.
static Function<String,String> FnString.extractFirst(String regex)
           Extracts the first substring from the target String that matches the specified regular expression.
 Function<Map<K,V>,Set<K>> FnMapOf.extractKeys()
static Function<String,String> FnString.extractLast(String regex)
           Extracts the last substring from the target String that matches the specified regular expression.
 Function<Map<K,V>,List<V>> FnMapOf.extractValues()
static Function<Object,Float> Get.f(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfFloat(String).
static Function<Object,Float> Call.f(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForFloat(String, Object...).
static Function<Integer[],Calendar> FnCalendar.fieldIntegerArrayToCalendar()
           Converts an Integer[] containing the components of a date to a java.util.Calendar object.
static Function<Integer[],Date> FnDate.fieldIntegerArrayToDate()
           Converts an Integer[] containing the components of a date to a java.util.Date object.
static Function<List<Integer>,Calendar> FnCalendar.fieldIntegerListToCalendar()
           Converts a List<Integer> containing the components of a date to a java.util.Calendar object.
static Function<List<Integer>,Date> FnDate.fieldIntegerListToDate()
           Converts a List<Integer> containing the components of a date to a java.util.Date object.
static Function<String[],Calendar> FnCalendar.fieldStringArrayToCalendar()
           Converts a String[] containing the components of a date to a java.util.Calendar object.
static Function<String[],Date> FnDate.fieldStringArrayToDate()
           Converts a String[] containing the components of a date to a java.util.Date object.
static Function<List<String>,Calendar> FnCalendar.fieldStringListToCalendar()
           Converts a List<String> containing the components of a date to a java.util.Calendar object.
static Function<List<String>,Date> FnDate.fieldStringListToDate()
           Converts a List<String> containing the components of a date to a java.util.Date object.
 Function<Set<T[]>,Set<T>> FnSetOfArrayOf.flattenArrays()
 Function<List<T[]>,List<T>> FnListOfArrayOf.flattenArrays()
 Function<T[][],T[]> FnArrayOfArrayOf.flattenArrays()
 Function<Set<List<T>>,Set<T>> FnSetOfListOf.flattenLists()
 Function<List<List<T>>,List<T>> FnListOfListOf.flattenLists()
 Function<List<T>[],T[]> FnArrayOfListOf.flattenLists()
 Function<Set<Set<T>>,Set<T>> FnSetOfSetOf.flattenSets()
 Function<List<Set<T>>,List<T>> FnListOfSetOf.flattenSets()
 Function<Set<T>[],T[]> FnArrayOfSetOf.flattenSets()
static Function<String,String> FnString.fromHexadecimal(Charset charset)
           Converts the target String from the Hexadecimal representation of its bytes back into a String using the specified Charset.
<Y,X extends org.javatuples.valueintf.IValueKey<Y>>
FnTuple.getKeyOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<Y> type)
<Y,X extends org.javatuples.valueintf.IValueLabel<Y>>
FnTuple.getLabelOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<Y> type)
<X extends org.javatuples.Tuple>
<Y,X extends org.javatuples.valueintf.IValue0<Y>>
FnTuple.getValue0Of(org.javaruntype.type.Type<Y> type)
<Y,X extends org.javatuples.valueintf.IValue1<Y>>
FnTuple.getValue1Of(org.javaruntype.type.Type<Y> type)
<Y,X extends org.javatuples.valueintf.IValue2<Y>>
FnTuple.getValue2Of(org.javaruntype.type.Type<Y> type)
<Y,X extends org.javatuples.valueintf.IValue3<Y>>
FnTuple.getValue3Of(org.javaruntype.type.Type<Y> type)
<Y,X extends org.javatuples.valueintf.IValue4<Y>>
FnTuple.getValue4Of(org.javaruntype.type.Type<Y> type)
<Y,X extends org.javatuples.valueintf.IValue5<Y>>
FnTuple.getValue5Of(org.javaruntype.type.Type<Y> type)
<Y,X extends org.javatuples.valueintf.IValue6<Y>>
FnTuple.getValue6Of(org.javaruntype.type.Type<Y> type)
<Y,X extends org.javatuples.valueintf.IValue7<Y>>
FnTuple.getValue7Of(org.javaruntype.type.Type<Y> type)
<Y,X extends org.javatuples.valueintf.IValue8<Y>>
FnTuple.getValue8Of(org.javaruntype.type.Type<Y> type)
<Y,X extends org.javatuples.valueintf.IValue9<Y>>
FnTuple.getValue9Of(org.javaruntype.type.Type<Y> type)
<Y,X extends org.javatuples.valueintf.IValueValue<Y>>
FnTuple.getValueOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<Y> type)
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterOrEqTo(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqTo(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterOrEqTo(double object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqTo(double object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.greaterOrEqTo(double object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterOrEqTo(float object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqTo(float object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.greaterOrEqTo(float object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterOrEqTo(int object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqTo(int object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.greaterOrEqTo(int object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterOrEqTo(long object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqTo(long object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.greaterOrEqTo(long object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.greaterOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.greaterOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.greaterOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.greaterOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.greaterOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.greaterOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.greaterOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterOrEqTo(Object object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.greaterOrEqTo(short object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterOrEqTo(short object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqTo(short object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnString.greaterOrEqTo(String object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<BigDecimal,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<BigInteger,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<Double,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<Float,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<Integer,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<Long,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, Number object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<Short,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) >= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterThan(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThan(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterThan(double object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThan(double object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.greaterThan(double object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterThan(float object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThan(float object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.greaterThan(float object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterThan(int object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThan(int object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.greaterThan(int object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterThan(long object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThan(long object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.greaterThan(long object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.greaterThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.greaterThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.greaterThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.greaterThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.greaterThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.greaterThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.greaterThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterThan(Object object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.greaterThan(short object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.greaterThan(short object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThan(short object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnString.greaterThan(String object)
           Determines whether the target object is greater than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.greaterThanBy(IFunction<BigDecimal,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.greaterThanBy(IFunction<BigInteger,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.greaterThanBy(IFunction<Double,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.greaterThanBy(IFunction<Float,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.greaterThanBy(IFunction<Integer,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.greaterThanBy(IFunction<Long,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, Number object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.greaterThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.greaterThanBy(IFunction<Short,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.greaterThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is greater than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) > 0.
static Function<Object,Integer> Get.i(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfInteger(String).
static Function<Object,Integer> Call.i(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForInteger(String, Object...).
<T> Function<T,T>
FnFunc.ifFalseThen(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,? extends T> thenFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the result of executing condition on the target object is false.
<T,R> Function<T,R>
FnFunc.ifFalseThenElse(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,R> thenFunction, IFunction<? super T,R> elseFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the result of executing condition on the target object is false, and will execute the specified function elseFunction otherwise.
<T> Function<T,T>
FnFunc.ifNotNullAndFalseThen(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,? extends T> thenFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the target object is not null and the result of executing condition on it is false.
<T,R> Function<T,R>
FnFunc.ifNotNullAndFalseThenElse(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,R> thenFunction, IFunction<? super T,R> elseFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the target object is not null and the result of executing condition on the target object is false, and will execute the specified function elseFunction otherwise.
<T> Function<T,T>
FnFunc.ifNotNullAndTrueThen(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,? extends T> thenFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the target object is not null and the result of executing condition on it is true.
<T,R> Function<T,R>
FnFunc.ifNotNullAndTrueThenElse(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,R> thenFunction, IFunction<? super T,R> elseFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the target object is not null and the result of executing condition on the target object is true, and will execute the specified function elseFunction otherwise.
<T> Function<T,T>
FnFunc.ifNotNullThen(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,? extends T> thenFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the target object is not null.
<T,R> Function<T,R>
FnFunc.ifNotNullThenElse(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,R> thenFunction, IFunction<? super T,R> elseFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the target object is not null, and will execute the specified function elseFunction otherwise.
<T> Function<T,T>
FnFunc.ifNullOrFalseThen(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,? extends T> thenFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the target object is null or the result of executing condition on it is false.
<T,R> Function<T,R>
FnFunc.ifNullOrFalseThenElse(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,R> thenFunction, IFunction<? super T,R> elseFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the target object is null or the result of executing condition on the target object is false, and will execute the specified function elseFunction otherwise.
<T> Function<T,T>
FnFunc.ifNullOrTrueThen(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,? extends T> thenFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the target object is null or the result of executing condition on it is true.
<T,R> Function<T,R>
FnFunc.ifNullOrTrueThenElse(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,R> thenFunction, IFunction<? super T,R> elseFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the target object is null or the result of executing condition on the target object is true, and will execute the specified function elseFunction otherwise.
<T> Function<T,T>
FnFunc.ifNullThen(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,? extends T> thenFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the target object is null.
<T,R> Function<T,R>
FnFunc.ifNullThenElse(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,R> thenFunction, IFunction<? super T,R> elseFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the target object is null, and will execute the specified function elseFunction otherwise.
<T> Function<T,T>
FnFunc.ifTrueThen(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,? extends T> thenFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the result of executing condition on the target object is true.
<T,R> Function<T,R>
FnFunc.ifTrueThenElse(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> targetType, IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,R> thenFunction, IFunction<? super T,R> elseFunction)
           Builds a function that will execute the specified function thenFunction only if the result of executing condition on the target object is true, and will execute the specified function elseFunction otherwise.
 Function<Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>> FnMapOf.insert(int position, K key, V value)
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.insert(int position, T... newElements)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.insert(int position, T... newElements)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.insert(int position, T... newElements)
 Function<Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>> FnMapOf.insertAll(int position, Map<K,V> map)
<T> Function<T,T[]>
FnObject.intoSingletonArrayOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> type)
           Creates an array of the specified type with only the target object in it.
<T> Function<T,List<T>>
FnObject.intoSingletonListOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> type)
           Creates a list of the specified type with only the target object in it.
<T> Function<T,Set<T>>
FnObject.intoSingletonSetOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<T> type)
           Creates a set of the specified type with only the target object in it.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isAlpha()
           Checks if a String contains only unicode letters or not
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isAlphaSpace()
           Checks if a String contains only unicode letters and spaces or not
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isBigDecimal()
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeBigDecimal() instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isBigDecimal(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeBigDecimal(DecimalPoint) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isBigDecimal(Locale locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeBigDecimal(Locale) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isBigDecimal(String locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeBigDecimal(String) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isBigInteger()
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeBigInteger() instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isBigInteger(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeBigInteger(DecimalPoint) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isBigInteger(int radix)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeBigInteger(int) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isBigInteger(Locale locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeBigInteger(Locale) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isBigInteger(String locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeBigInteger(String) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isBlank()
           Returns whether the target String is blank or not.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isByte()
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeByte() instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isByte(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeByte(DecimalPoint) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isByte(int radix)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeByte(int) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isByte(Locale locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeByte(Locale) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isByte(String locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeByte(String) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isCalendar(String pattern)
           Checks whether the target String can be converted into a Calendar based on the input parameters or not.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isCalendar(String pattern, Locale locale)
           Checks whether the target String represents a Calendar or not.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isCalendar(String pattern, String locale)
           Returns true if the target String can be converted into a Calendar based on the input parameters.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isDouble()
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeDouble() instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isDouble(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeDouble(DecimalPoint) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isDouble(Locale locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeDouble(Locale) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isDouble(String locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeDouble(String) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isEmpty()
           Returns whether the target String is empty or not.
static Function<Boolean,Boolean> FnBoolean.isFalse()
           Returns true if the target object is Boolean.FALSE, false if it is Boolean.TRUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isFloat()
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeFloat() instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isFloat(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeFloat(DecimalPoint) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isFloat(Locale locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeFloat(Locale) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isFloat(String locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeFloat(String) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isInteger()
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeInteger() instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isInteger(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeInteger(DecimalPoint) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isInteger(int radix)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeInteger(int) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isInteger(Locale locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeInteger(Locale) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isInteger(String locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeInteger(String) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isLong()
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeLong() instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isLong(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeLong(DecimalPoint) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isLong(int radix)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeLong(int) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isLong(Locale locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeLong(Locale) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isLong(String locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeLong(String) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnString.isNotNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.isNotNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.isNotNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.isNotNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.isNotNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.isNotNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.isNotNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.isNotNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnDate.isNotNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnCalendar.isNotNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnBoolean.isNotNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.isNotNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.isNotNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.isNotNullBy(IFunction<X,?> by)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is null or not.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnBoolean.isNotNullBy(IFunction<X,?> by)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is null or not.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnString.isNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.isNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.isNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.isNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.isNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.isNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.isNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.isNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnDate.isNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnCalendar.isNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnBoolean.isNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.isNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.isNull()
           Determines whether the target object is null or not.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.isNullBy(IFunction<X,?> by)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is null or not.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnBoolean.isNullBy(IFunction<X,?> by)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is null or not.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isNumeric()
           Checks if a String contains only unicode digits or not
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isNumericSpace()
           Checks if a String contains only unicode digits and spaces or not
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isShort()
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeShort() instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isShort(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeShort(DecimalPoint) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isShort(int radix)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeShort(int) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isShort(Locale locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeShort(Locale) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isShort(String locale)
          Deprecated. use FnString.canBeShort(String) instead. This method will be removed in version 1.3
static Function<Boolean,Boolean> FnBoolean.isTrue()
           Returns true if the target object is Boolean.TRUE, false if it is Boolean.FALSE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidBigDecimal()
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigDecimal.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidBigDecimal(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigDecimal using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidBigDecimal(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigDecimal in the given Locale.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidBigDecimal(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigDecimal in the given Locale specified as a String.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidBigInteger()
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigInteger.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidBigInteger(int radix)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigInteger in the specified radix.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidBigInteger(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigInteger in the given Locale.That is, if it represents a non decimal number.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidBigInteger(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid BigInteger in the given Locale specified as a String.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidByte()
           Returns true if the input String represents a Byte, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Byte.MIN_VALUE and Byte.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidByte(int radix)
           Returns true if the input String represents a Byte, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Byte.MIN_VALUE and Byte.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidByte(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String represents a Byte, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Byte.MIN_VALUE and Byte.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidByte(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String represents a Byte, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Byte.MIN_VALUE and Byte.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidDouble()
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Double.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidDouble(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Double using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidDouble(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Double in the given Locale.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidDouble(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Double in the given Locale specified as a String.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidFloat()
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Float.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidFloat(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Float using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidFloat(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Float in the given Locale.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidFloat(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String can be converted into a valid Float in the given Locale specified as a String.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidInteger()
           Returns true if the input String represents an Integer, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidInteger(int radix)
           Returns true if the input String represents an Integer, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidInteger(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String represents an Integer, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidInteger(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String represents an Integer, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidLong()
           Returns true if the input String represents an Long, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Long.MIN_VALUE and Long.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidLong(int radix)
           Returns true if the input String represents an Long, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Long.MIN_VALUE and Long.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidLong(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String represents an Long, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Long.MIN_VALUE and Long.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidLong(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String represents an Long, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Long.MIN_VALUE and Long.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidShort()
           Returns true if the input String represents a Short, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Short.MIN_VALUE and Short.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidShort(int radix)
           Returns true if the input String represents a Short, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Short.MIN_VALUE and Short.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidShort(Locale locale)
           Returns true if the input String represents a Short, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Short.MIN_VALUE and Short.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.isValidShort(String locale)
           Returns true if the input String represents a Short, that is, it it represents a non decimal number between Short.MIN_VALUE and Short.MAX_VALUE.
static Function<List<Object>,String> FnString.join()
           Joins the string representation of the objects in the list (which might be Strings themselves) into a single String (no separator used).
static Function<List<Object>,String> FnString.join(String separator)
           Joins the string representation of the objects in the list (which might be Strings themselves) into a single String using the given separator.
static Function<Object[],String> FnString.joinArray()
           Joins the string representation of the objects in the array (which might be Strings themselves) into a single String (no separator used).
static Function<Object[],String> FnString.joinArray(String separator)
           Joins the string representation of the objects in the array (which might be Strings themselves) into a single String using the given separator.
<X,A,B> Function<X,org.javatuples.KeyValue<A,B>>
FnTuple.keyValueWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function)
static Function<Object,Long> Get.l(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfLong(String).
static Function<Object,Long> Call.l(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForLong(String, Object...).
<X,A,B> Function<X,org.javatuples.LabelValue<A,B>>
FnTuple.labelValueWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function)
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessOrEqTo(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqTo(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessOrEqTo(double object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqTo(double object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.lessOrEqTo(double object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessOrEqTo(float object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqTo(float object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.lessOrEqTo(float object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessOrEqTo(int object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqTo(int object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.lessOrEqTo(int object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessOrEqTo(long object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqTo(long object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.lessOrEqTo(long object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.lessOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.lessOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.lessOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.lessOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.lessOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.lessOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.lessOrEqTo(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessOrEqTo(Object object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.lessOrEqTo(short object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessOrEqTo(short object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqTo(short object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnString.lessOrEqTo(String object)
           Determines whether the target object is less or equal to the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<BigDecimal,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<BigInteger,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<Double,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<Float,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<Integer,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<Long,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, Number object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<Short,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessOrEqToBy(IFunction<X,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less or equal to the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) <= 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessThan(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThan(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessThan(double object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThan(double object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.lessThan(double object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessThan(float object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThan(float object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.lessThan(float object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessThan(int object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThan(int object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.lessThan(int object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessThan(long object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThan(long object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.lessThan(long object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.lessThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.lessThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.lessThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.lessThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.lessThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.lessThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.lessThan(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessThan(Object object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.lessThan(short object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.lessThan(short object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThan(short object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnString.lessThan(String object)
           Determines whether the target object is less than the specified object in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.lessThanBy(IFunction<BigDecimal,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.lessThanBy(IFunction<BigInteger,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.lessThanBy(IFunction<Double,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.lessThanBy(IFunction<Float,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.lessThanBy(IFunction<Integer,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.lessThanBy(IFunction<Long,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, Number object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.lessThanBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.lessThanBy(IFunction<Short,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.lessThanBy(IFunction<X,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object is less than the specified object parameter in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) < 0.
<R> Function<Object,List<R>>
Get.listOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfListOf(Type, String).
<R> Function<Object,List<R>>
Call.listOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForListOf(Type, String, Object...).
static Function<Object,List<String>> Get.listOfString(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfListOfString(String).
static Function<Object,List<String>> Call.listOfString(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForListOfString(String, Object...).
static Function<String,String> FnString.matchAndExtract(String regex, int group)
           Matches the entire target String against the specified regular expression and extracts the specified group from it (as specified by java.util.regex.Matcher.
static Function<String,List<String>> FnString.matchAndExtractAll(String regex, int... groups)
           Matches the entire target String against the specified regular expression and extracts the specified groups from it (as specified by java.util.regex.Matcher.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.matches(String regex)
           Determines whether the target String matches the specified regular expression.
static Function<Iterable<Short>,Short> FnShort.max()
           It returns the maximum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Long>,Long> FnLong.max()
           It returns the maximum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Integer>,Integer> FnInteger.max()
           It returns the maximum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Float>,Float> FnFloat.max()
           It returns the maximum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Double>,Double> FnDouble.max()
           It returns the maximum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<BigInteger>,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.max()
           It returns the maximum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<BigDecimal>,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.max()
           It returns the maximum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Short[],Short> FnShort.maxArray()
           It returns the maximum number from the input array
static Function<Long[],Long> FnLong.maxArray()
           It returns the maximum number from the input array
static Function<Integer[],Integer> FnInteger.maxArray()
           It returns the maximum number from the input array
static Function<Float[],Float> FnFloat.maxArray()
           It returns the maximum number from the input array
static Function<Double[],Double> FnDouble.maxArray()
           It returns the maximum number from the input array
static Function<BigInteger[],BigInteger> FnBigInteger.maxArray()
           It returns the maximum number from the input array
static Function<BigDecimal[],BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.maxArray()
           It returns the maximum number from the input array
<R> Function<Object,R>
Call.methodFor(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns an object of the resultType.
<R> Function<Object,R[]>
Call.methodForArrayOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns R[], being R the specified type parameter.
static Function<Object,String[]> Call.methodForArrayOfString(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns String[].
static Function<Object,BigDecimal> Call.methodForBigDecimal(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns BigDecimal.
static Function<Object,BigInteger> Call.methodForBigInteger(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns BigInteger.
static Function<Object,Boolean> Call.methodForBoolean(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns Boolean.
static Function<Object,Byte> Call.methodForByte(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns Byte.
static Function<Object,Calendar> Call.methodForCalendar(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns Calendar.
static Function<Object,Character> Call.methodForCharacter(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns Character.
static Function<Object,Date> Call.methodForDate(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns Date.
static Function<Object,Double> Call.methodForDouble(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns Double.
static Function<Object,Float> Call.methodForFloat(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns Float.
static Function<Object,Integer> Call.methodForInteger(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns Integer.
<R> Function<Object,List<R>>
Call.methodForListOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns List<R>, being R the specified type parameter.
static Function<Object,List<String>> Call.methodForListOfString(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns List<String>.
static Function<Object,Long> Call.methodForLong(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns Long.
static Function<Object,Object> Call.methodForObject(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns Object.
<R> Function<Object,Set<R>>
Call.methodForSetOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns Set<R>, being R the specified type parameter.
static Function<Object,Set<String>> Call.methodForSetOfString(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns Set<String>.
static Function<Object,Short> Call.methodForShort(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns Short.
static Function<Object,String> Call.methodForString(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Executes a method on the target object which returns String.
static Function<Iterable<Short>,Short> FnShort.min()
           It returns the minimum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Long>,Long> FnLong.min()
           It returns the minimum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Integer>,Integer> FnInteger.min()
           It returns the minimum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Float>,Float> FnFloat.min()
           It returns the minimum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Double>,Double> FnDouble.min()
           It returns the minimum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<BigInteger>,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.min()
           It returns the minimum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<BigDecimal>,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.min()
           It returns the minimum number from an Iterable input object
static Function<Short[],Short> FnShort.minArray()
           It returns the minimum number from the input array
static Function<Long[],Long> FnLong.minArray()
           It returns the minimum number from the input array
static Function<Integer[],Integer> FnInteger.minArray()
           It returns the minimum number from the input array
static Function<Float[],Float> FnFloat.minArray()
           It returns the minimum number from the input array
static Function<Double[],Double> FnDouble.minArray()
           It returns the minimum number from the input array
static Function<BigInteger[],BigInteger> FnBigInteger.minArray()
           It returns the minimum number from the input array
static Function<BigDecimal[],BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.minArray()
           It returns the minimum number from the input array
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.module(BigInteger module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.module(BigInteger module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.module(BigInteger module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.module(BigInteger module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.module(byte module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.module(byte module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.module(byte module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.module(byte module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.module(Byte module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.module(Byte module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.module(Byte module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.module(Byte module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.module(int module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.module(int module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.module(int module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.module(int module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.module(Integer module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.module(Integer module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.module(Integer module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.module(Integer module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.module(long module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.module(long module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.module(long module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.module(long module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.module(Long module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.module(Long module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.module(Long module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.module(Long module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.module(short module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.module(short module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.module(short module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.module(short module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.module(Short module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.module(Short module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.module(Short module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.module(Short module)
           It performs a module operation and returns the value of (input mod module) which is always positive (whereas remainder is not)
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(byte multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(double multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(double multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(double multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(double multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(double multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.multiplyBy(double multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(double multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(double multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(double multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(double multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(double multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(double multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(double multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(double multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(double multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(double multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(double multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(double multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(double multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(float multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(float multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(float multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(float multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(float multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.multiplyBy(float multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(float multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(float multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(float multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(float multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(float multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(float multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(float multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(float multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(float multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(float multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(float multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(float multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(float multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(int multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(int multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(int multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(int multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(int multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.multiplyBy(int multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(int multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(int multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(int multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(int multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(int multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(int multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(int multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(int multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(int multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(int multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(int multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(int multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(int multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(long multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(long multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(long multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(long multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(long multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.multiplyBy(long multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(long multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(long multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(long multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(long multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(long multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(long multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(long multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(long multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(long multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(long multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(long multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(long multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(long multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(Number multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(short multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(short multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(short multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(short multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(short multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.multiplyBy(short multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(short multiplicand)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(short multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(short multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(short multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(short multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(short multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(short multiplicand, MathContext mathContext)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.multiplyBy(short multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.multiplyBy(short multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.multiplyBy(short multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.multiplyBy(short multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.multiplyBy(short multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.multiplyBy(short multiplicand, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It multiplies target by multiplicand and returns its value.
static Function<Boolean,Boolean> FnBoolean.negate()
           Negates the target Boolean, returning Boolean.FALSE if the target object is Boolean.TRUE, and Boolean.TRUE if it is Boolean.FALSE.
<T> Function<T,Boolean>
FnBoolean.not(IFunction<T,Boolean> function)
           Takes a boolean function (Function<?
 Function<Set<T>,Boolean> FnSetOf.notContains(T object)
 Function<List<T>,Boolean> FnListOf.notContains(T object)
 Function<T[],Boolean> FnArrayOf.notContains(T object)
 Function<Map<K,V>,Boolean> FnMapOf.notContainsKey(K key)
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.notEq(BigDecimal object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.notEq(BigInteger object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEq(boolean object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnBoolean.notEq(boolean object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnBoolean.notEq(Boolean object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEq(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEq(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnCalendar.notEq(Calendar object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnDate.notEq(Date object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEq(double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEq(double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.notEq(double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.notEq(Double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEq(float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEq(float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.notEq(float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.notEq(Float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEq(int object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEq(int object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.notEq(int object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.notEq(Integer object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEq(long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEq(long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.notEq(long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.notEq(Long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEq(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEq(Object object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.notEq(short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEq(short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEq(short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.notEq(Short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal by calling the equals method on the target object.
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnString.notEq(String object)
           Performs an inverse equals operation between the target object and the specified one.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.notEqBy(IFunction<BigDecimal,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.notEqBy(IFunction<BigInteger,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.notEqBy(IFunction<Double,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.notEqBy(IFunction<Float,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.notEqBy(IFunction<Integer,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.notEqBy(IFunction<Long,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, Number object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.notEqBy(IFunction<Short,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, boolean object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnBoolean.notEqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, boolean object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnBoolean.notEqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, Boolean object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqBy(IFunction<X,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal by calling the equals method.
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.notEqValue(BigDecimal object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEqValue(boolean object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEqValue(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValue(byte object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEqValue(double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValue(double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.notEqValue(double object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEqValue(float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValue(float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.notEqValue(float object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEqValue(int object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValue(int object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.notEqValue(int object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEqValue(long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValue(long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.notEqValue(long object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.notEqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.notEqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.notEqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.notEqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.notEqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.notEqValue(Number object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEqValue(Object object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.notEqValue(short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Object,Boolean> FnObject.notEqValue(short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValue(short object)
           Determines whether the target object and the specified object are NOT equal in value, this is, whether target.compareTo(object) !
static Function<BigDecimal,Boolean> FnBigDecimal.notEqValueBy(IFunction<BigDecimal,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<BigInteger,Boolean> FnBigInteger.notEqValueBy(IFunction<BigInteger,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Double,Boolean> FnDouble.notEqValueBy(IFunction<Double,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Float,Boolean> FnFloat.notEqValueBy(IFunction<Float,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Integer,Boolean> FnInteger.notEqValueBy(IFunction<Integer,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Long,Boolean> FnLong.notEqValueBy(IFunction<Long,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, Number object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.notEqValueBy(IFunction<Number,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Short,Boolean> FnShort.notEqValueBy(IFunction<Short,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, boolean object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, byte object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, double object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, float object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, int object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, long object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, Object object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
<X> Function<X,Boolean>
FnObject.notEqValueBy(IFunction<X,?> by, short object)
           Determines whether the result of executing the specified function on the target object and the specified object parameter are NOT equal in value, this is, whether functionResult.compareTo(object) !
static Function<Object,Object> Get.obj(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfObject(String).
static Function<Object,Object> Call.obj(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForObject(String, Object...).
<R> Function<Object,R>
Get.obj(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOf(Type, String).
<R> Function<Object,R>
Call.obj(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodFor(Type, String, Object...).
FnTuple.octetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function)
<X,R extends X>
FnBoolean.or(IFunction<X,Boolean> left, IFunction<? super R,Boolean> right)
           Takes two boolean functions (Function<?
<X,A,B> Function<X,org.javatuples.Pair<A,B>>
FnTuple.pairWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function)
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.pow(int power)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.pow(int power)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.pow(int power)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.pow(int power)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.pow(int power)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.pow(int power)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.pow(int power)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.pow(int power, MathContext mathContext)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.pow(int power, MathContext mathContext)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.pow(int power, MathContext mathContext)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.pow(int power, MathContext mathContext)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.pow(int power, MathContext mathContext)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.pow(int power, MathContext mathContext)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.pow(int power, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value.
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.pow(int power, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value.
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.pow(int power, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value.
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.pow(int power, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.pow(int power, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value.
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.pow(int power, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It performs the operation targetpower and returns its value.
 Function<Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>> FnMapOf.put(K key, V value)
 Function<Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>> FnMapOf.putAll(Map<K,V> map)
FnTuple.quartetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function)
FnTuple.quintetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function)
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.remainder(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.remainder(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.remainder(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.remainder(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.remainder(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(byte divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(byte divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(byte divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.remainder(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.remainder(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.remainder(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.remainder(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.remainder(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(double divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(double divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(double divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.remainder(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.remainder(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.remainder(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.remainder(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.remainder(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(float divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(float divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(float divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.remainder(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.remainder(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.remainder(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.remainder(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.remainder(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(int divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(int divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(int divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.remainder(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.remainder(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.remainder(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.remainder(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.remainder(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(long divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(long divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(long divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.remainder(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.remainder(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.remainder(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.remainder(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.remainder(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(Number divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(Number divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(Number divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.remainder(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.remainder(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.remainder(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.remainder(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.remainder(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(short divisor)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor)
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.remainder(short divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.remainder(short divisor, MathContext mathContext)
           It divides the target element by the given divisor and returns the remainder (target % divisor).
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.removeAllEqual(T... values)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.removeAllEqual(T... values)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.removeAllEqual(T... values)
 Function<Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>> FnMapOf.removeAllFalse(IFunction<? super Map.Entry<K,V>,Boolean> eval)
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.removeAllFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.removeAllFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.removeAllFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.removeAllIndexes(int... indexes)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.removeAllIndexes(int... indexes)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.removeAllIndexes(int... indexes)
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.removeAllIndexesNot(int... indexes)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.removeAllIndexesNot(int... indexes)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.removeAllIndexesNot(int... indexes)
 Function<Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>> FnMapOf.removeAllKeys(K... keys)
 Function<Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>> FnMapOf.removeAllKeysNot(K... keys)
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.removeAllNotNullAndFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.removeAllNotNullAndFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.removeAllNotNullAndFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.removeAllNotNullAndTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.removeAllNotNullAndTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.removeAllNotNullAndTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.removeAllNull()
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.removeAllNull()
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.removeAllNull()
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.removeAllNullOrFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.removeAllNullOrFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.removeAllNullOrFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.removeAllNullOrTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.removeAllNullOrTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.removeAllNullOrTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>> FnMapOf.removeAllTrue(IFunction<? super Map.Entry<K,V>,Boolean> eval)
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.removeAllTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.removeAllTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.removeAllTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> eval)
static Function<String,String> FnString.replaceAll(String regex, String replacement)
           Replaces in the target String all substrings matching the specified regular expression with the specified replacement String.
static Function<String,String> FnString.replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement)
           Replaces in the target String the first substring matching the specified regular expression with the specified replacement String.
static Function<String,String> FnString.replaceLast(String regex, String replacement)
           Replaces in the target String the last substring matching the specified regular expression with the specified replacement String.
<T> Function<Object,T>
FnObject.replaceWith(T object)
           Replaces the target object with the object specified as a parameter.
static Function<String,String> FnString.reverse()
           It reverses the input String
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.reverse()
 Function<Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>> FnMapOf.reverse()
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.reverse()
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.reverse()
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.round(int calendarField)
           Rounds the target Date, setting the specified field as the most significant field.
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.round(int calendarField)
           Rounds the target Calendar, setting the specified field as the most significant field.
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.round(MathContext mathContext)
           It rounds the input number with the given MathContext
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.round(MathContext mathContext)
           It rounds the input number with the given MathContext
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.round(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It rounds the input number with the given RoundingMode
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.round(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It rounds the input number with the given RoundingMode
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnNumber.roundBigDecimal(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It rounds the target object with the specified scale and rounding mode
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.roundBigDecimal(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It rounds the input number with the given scale and RoundingMode.
static Function<Double,Double> FnNumber.roundDouble(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It rounds the target object with the specified scale and rounding mode
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.roundDouble(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
static Function<Float,Float> FnNumber.roundFloat(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It rounds the target with the specified scale and rounding mode
static Function<Object,String> Get.s(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfString(String).
static Function<Object,String> Call.s(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForString(String, Object...).
FnTuple.septetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function)
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.set(int calendarField, int value)
           Modifies a Date by setting one of its to the specified value.
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.set(int calendarField, int value)
           Modifies a Calendar by setting one of its to the specified value.
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.setDay(int value)
           Modifies a Date by setting the "day" property (java.util.Calendar.DATE) to the specified value.
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.setDay(int value)
           Modifies a Calendar by setting the "day" property (java.util.Calendar.DATE) to the specified value.
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.setHour(int value)
           Modifies a Date by setting the "hour" property (java.util.Calendar.HOUR) to the specified value.
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.setHour(int value)
           Modifies a Calendar by setting the "hour" property (java.util.Calendar.HOUR) to the specified value.
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.setMillisecond(int value)
           Modifies a Date by setting the "millisecond" property (java.util.Calendar.MILLISECOND) to the specified value.
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.setMillisecond(int value)
           Modifies a Calendar by setting the "millisecond" property (java.util.Calendar.MILLISECOND) to the specified value.
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.setMinute(int value)
           Modifies a Date by setting the "minute" property (java.util.Calendar.MINUTE) to the specified value.
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.setMinute(int value)
           Modifies a Calendar by setting the "minute" property (java.util.Calendar.MINUTE) to the specified value.
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.setMonth(int value)
           Modifies a Date by setting the "month" property (java.util.Calendar.MONTH) to the specified value.
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.setMonth(int value)
           Modifies a Calendar by setting the "month" property (java.util.Calendar.MONTH) to the specified value.
<R> Function<Object,Set<R>>
Get.setOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfSetOf(Type, String).
<R> Function<Object,Set<R>>
Call.setOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<R> resultType, String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForSetOf(Type, String, Object...).
static Function<Object,Set<String>> Get.setOfString(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfSetOfString(String).
static Function<Object,Set<String>> Call.setOfString(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForSetOfString(String, Object...).
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.setWeek(int value)
           Modifies a Date by setting the "week" property (java.util.Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR) to the specified value.
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.setWeek(int value)
           Modifies a Calendar by setting the "week" property (java.util.Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR) to the specified value.
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.setYear(int value)
           Modifies a Date by setting the "year" property (java.util.Calendar.YEAR) to the specified value.
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.setYear(int value)
           Modifies a Calendar by setting the "year" property (java.util.Calendar.YEAR) to the specified value.
FnTuple.sextetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function)
static Function<Object,Short> Get.shr(String attributeName)
           Abbreviation for {Get.attrOfShort(String).
static Function<Object,Short> Call.shr(String methodName, Object... optionalParameters)
           Abbreviation for {Call.methodForShort(String, Object...).
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.sort()
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.sort()
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.sort()
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.sort(Comparator<? super T> comparator)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.sort(Comparator<? super T> comparator)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.sort(Comparator<? super T> comparator)
 Function<Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>> FnMapOf.sortBy(IFunction<? super Map.Entry<K,V>,?> by)
 Function<Set<T>,Set<T>> FnSetOf.sortBy(IFunction<? super T,?> by)
 Function<List<T>,List<T>> FnListOf.sortBy(IFunction<? super T,?> by)
 Function<T[],T[]> FnArrayOf.sortBy(IFunction<? super T,?> by)
 Function<Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>> FnMapOf.sortByKey()
 Function<Map<K,V>,Map<K,V>> FnMapOf.sortEntries(Comparator<? super Map.Entry<K,V>> comparator)
static Function<String,List<String>> FnString.split()
           Splits a String into a list of substrings using a whitespace as a separator.
static Function<String,List<String>> FnString.split(String separator)
           Splits a String into a list of substrings using the given separator as a substrings separator (the separator is not included in the elements of the returned list).
static Function<String,String[]> FnString.splitAsArray()
           Splits a String into an array of substrings using a whitespace as a separator.
static Function<String,String[]> FnString.splitAsArray(String separator)
           Splits a String into an array of substrings using the given separator as a substrings separator (the separator is not included in the elements of the returned array).
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.startsWith(String prefix)
           It checks whether the input String starts with the specified prefix or not.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.startsWith(String prefix, int offset)
           It checks whether the input substring after the given offset starts with the given prefix or not.
static Function<String,String> FnString.strip()
           Strips whitespace from both sides of the target String.
static Function<String,String> FnString.substring(int start)
           Returns the substring of input from start position (null if null String input).
static Function<String,String> FnString.substring(int start, int end)
           Returns the substring of input from start position to end position (null if null String input).
static Function<String,String> FnString.substringAfter(String separator)
           Returns the substring after the first occurrence of the given separator.
static Function<String,String> FnString.substringAfterLast(String separator)
           Returns the substring after the last occurrence of the given separator.
static Function<String,String> FnString.substringBefore(String separator)
           Returns the substring before the first occurrence of the given separator.
static Function<String,String> FnString.substringBeforeLast(String separator)
           Returns the substring before the last occurrence of the given separator.
static Function<String,String> FnString.substringBetween(String tag)
           Returns the substring between tag and tag or null if there is no match.
static Function<String,String> FnString.substringBetween(String open, String close)
           Returns the substring between open and close or null if there is no match.
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.subtract(byte subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.subtract(byte subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.subtract(byte subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.subtract(byte subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.subtract(byte subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.subtract(byte subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.subtract(byte subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.subtract(double subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.subtract(double subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.subtract(double subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.subtract(double subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.subtract(double subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.subtract(double subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.subtract(double subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.subtract(float subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.subtract(float subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.subtract(float subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.subtract(float subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.subtract(float subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.subtract(float subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.subtract(float subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.subtract(int subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.subtract(int subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.subtract(int subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.subtract(int subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.subtract(int subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.subtract(int subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.subtract(int subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.subtract(long subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.subtract(long subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.subtract(long subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.subtract(long subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.subtract(long subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.subtract(long subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.subtract(long subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.subtract(Number subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.subtract(Number subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.subtract(Number subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.subtract(Number subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.subtract(Number subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.subtract(Number subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.subtract(Number subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Short,Short> FnShort.subtract(short subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Long,Long> FnLong.subtract(short subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Integer,Integer> FnInteger.subtract(short subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Float,Float> FnFloat.subtract(short subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Double,Double> FnDouble.subtract(short subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigInteger,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.subtract(short subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<BigDecimal,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.subtract(short subtract)
           It subtracts the given number from the target and returns the result
static Function<Iterable<Short>,Short> FnShort.sum()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Long>,Long> FnLong.sum()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Integer>,Integer> FnInteger.sum()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Float>,Float> FnFloat.sum()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<Double>,Double> FnDouble.sum()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<BigInteger>,BigInteger> FnBigInteger.sum()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Iterable<BigDecimal>,BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.sum()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the Iterable input object
static Function<Short[],Short> FnShort.sumArray()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<Long[],Long> FnLong.sumArray()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<Integer[],Integer> FnInteger.sumArray()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<Float[],Float> FnFloat.sumArray()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<Double[],Double> FnDouble.sumArray()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<BigInteger[],BigInteger> FnBigInteger.sumArray()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<BigDecimal[],BigDecimal> FnBigDecimal.sumArray()
           It returns the sum of all the numbers in the input array
static Function<Long,Calendar> FnCalendar.timeInMillisToCalendar()
           Converts the target Long (representing a time in milliseconds) into a Calendar.
static Function<Long,Calendar> FnCalendar.timeInMillisToCalendar(int truncateField)
           Converts the target Long (representing a time in milliseconds) into a Calendar, truncating by the specified field (java.util.Calendar constant field).
static Function<Long,Date> FnDate.timeInMillisToDate()
           Converts the target Long (representing a time in milliseconds) into a Date.
static Function<Long,Date> FnDate.timeInMillisToDate(int truncateField)
           Converts the target Long (representing a time in milliseconds) into a Date, truncating by the specified field (java.util.Calendar constant field).
static Function<Timestamp,Calendar> FnCalendar.timestampToCalendar()
           Converts the target java.sql.Timestamp into a Calendar.
static Function<Timestamp,Calendar> FnCalendar.timestampToCalendar(int truncateField)
           Converts the target java.sql.Timestamp into a Calendar, truncating by the specified field (java.util.Calendar constant field).
static Function<Timestamp,Date> FnDate.timestampToDate()
           Converts the target java.sql.Timestamp into a Date.
static Function<Timestamp,Date> FnDate.timestampToDate(int truncateField)
           Converts the target java.sql.Timestamp into a Date, truncating by the specified field (java.util.Calendar constant field).
 Function<Set<T>,T[]> FnSetOf.toArray()
 Function<List<T>,T[]> FnListOf.toArray()
<X extends org.javatuples.Tuple>
static Function<String,BigDecimal> FnString.toBigDecimal()
           Converts a String into a BigDecimal, using the default configuration for for decimal point and precision.
static Function<Number,BigDecimal> FnNumber.toBigDecimal()
           It converts the input into a BigDecimal
static Function<Boolean,BigDecimal> FnBoolean.toBigDecimal()
           Converts a Boolean to a BigDecimal. true = 1, false = 0.
static Function<String,BigDecimal> FnString.toBigDecimal(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a BigDecimal, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,BigDecimal> FnString.toBigDecimal(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           Converts a String into a BigDecimal, using the default configuration for for decimal point and thousands separator and establishing the specified scale.
static Function<Number,BigDecimal> FnNumber.toBigDecimal(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It converts the input into a BigDecimal using the given scale and RoundingMode
static Function<String,BigDecimal> FnString.toBigDecimal(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode, DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a BigDecimal, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint) and establishing the specified scale.
static Function<String,BigDecimal> FnString.toBigDecimal(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode, Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a BigDecimal, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration and establishing the specified scale.
static Function<String,BigDecimal> FnString.toBigDecimal(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode, String locale)
           Converts a String into a BigDecimal, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration and establishing the specified scale.
static Function<String,BigDecimal> FnString.toBigDecimal(Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a BigDecimal, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<String,BigDecimal> FnString.toBigDecimal(String locale)
           Converts a String into a BigDecimal, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<String,BigInteger> FnString.toBigInteger()
           Converts a String into a BigInteger, using the default configuration.
static Function<Number,BigInteger> FnNumber.toBigInteger()
           It converts the input into a BigInteger
static Function<Boolean,BigInteger> FnBoolean.toBigInteger()
           Converts a Boolean to a BigInteger. true = 1, false = 0.
static Function<String,BigInteger> FnString.toBigInteger(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a BigInteger, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,BigInteger> FnString.toBigInteger(int radix)
           Converts a String into a BigInteger, using the specified radix for computing the equivalent number.
static Function<String,BigInteger> FnString.toBigInteger(Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a BigInteger, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<String,BigInteger> FnString.toBigInteger(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           Converts a String into a BigInteger, using the default configuration for for decimal point and thousands separator.
static Function<Number,BigInteger> FnNumber.toBigInteger(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It converts the input into a BigInteger using the given RoundingMode
static Function<String,BigInteger> FnString.toBigInteger(RoundingMode roundingMode, DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a BigInteger, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,BigInteger> FnString.toBigInteger(RoundingMode roundingMode, Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a BigInteger, using the specified locale for determining decimal point.
static Function<String,BigInteger> FnString.toBigInteger(RoundingMode roundingMode, String locale)
           Converts a String into a BigInteger, using the specified locale for determining decimal point.
static Function<String,BigInteger> FnString.toBigInteger(String locale)
           Converts a String into a BigInteger, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<String,Boolean> FnString.toBoolean()
           Converts a String into a Boolean.
static Function<Number,Boolean> FnNumber.toBoolean()
           It converts the input into a Boolean
static Function<String,Byte> FnString.toByte()
           Converts a String into a Byte, using the default configuration.
static Function<Number,Byte> FnNumber.toByte()
           It converts the input into a Byte
static Function<Boolean,Byte> FnBoolean.toByte()
           Converts a Boolean to a Byte. true = 1, false = 0.
static Function<String,Byte> FnString.toByte(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a Byte, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Byte> FnString.toByte(int radix)
           Converts a String into a Byte, using the specified radix for computing the equivalent number.
static Function<String,Byte> FnString.toByte(Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a Byte, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<String,Byte> FnString.toByte(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           Converts a String into a Byte, using the default configuration for for decimal point and thousands separator.
static Function<Number,Byte> FnNumber.toByte(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It converts the input into a Byte using the given RoundingMode
static Function<String,Byte> FnString.toByte(RoundingMode roundingMode, DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a Byte, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Byte> FnString.toByte(RoundingMode roundingMode, Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a Byte, using the specified locale for determining decimal point.
static Function<String,Byte> FnString.toByte(RoundingMode roundingMode, String locale)
           Converts a String into a Byte, using the specified locale for determining decimal point.
static Function<String,Byte> FnString.toByte(String locale)
           Converts a String into a Byte, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<Date,Calendar> FnDate.toCalendar()
static Function<Date,Calendar> FnDate.toCalendar(int truncateField)
static Function<String,Calendar> FnString.toCalendar(String pattern)
           Converts the target String to a java.util.Calendar by applying the specified pattern.
static Function<String,Calendar> FnString.toCalendar(String pattern, Locale locale)
           Converts the target String to a java.util.Calendar by applying the specified pattern and locale.
static Function<String,Calendar> FnString.toCalendar(String pattern, String locale)
           Converts the target String to a java.util.Calendar by applying the specified pattern and locale.
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toCurrencyStr()
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toCurrencyStr()
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toCurrencyStr()
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toCurrencyStr()
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toCurrencyStr()
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toCurrencyStr()
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toCurrencyStr()
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toCurrencyStr()
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toCurrencyStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toCurrencyStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toCurrencyStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toCurrencyStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toCurrencyStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toCurrencyStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toCurrencyStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toCurrencyStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the default Locale
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toCurrencyStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given Locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toCurrencyStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toCurrencyStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toCurrencyStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toCurrencyStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toCurrencyStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toCurrencyStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toCurrencyStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toCurrencyStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toCurrencyStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toCurrencyStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toCurrencyStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toCurrencyStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toCurrencyStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toCurrencyStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toCurrencyStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toCurrencyStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toCurrencyStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toCurrencyStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toCurrencyStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toCurrencyStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toCurrencyStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toCurrencyStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toCurrencyStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toCurrencyStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toCurrencyStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target as a currency in the given locale taking into account the given parameters.
static Function<String,Date> FnString.toDate(String pattern)
           Converts the target String to a java.util.Date by applying the specified pattern.
static Function<String,Date> FnString.toDate(String pattern, Locale locale)
           Converts the target String to a java.util.Date by applying the specified pattern and locale.
static Function<String,Date> FnString.toDate(String pattern, String locale)
           Converts the target String to a java.util.Date by applying the specified pattern and locale.
static Function<String,Double> FnString.toDouble()
           Converts a String into a Double, using the default configuration for for decimal point and precision.
static Function<Number,Double> FnNumber.toDouble()
           It converts the target into a Double
static Function<Boolean,Double> FnBoolean.toDouble()
           Converts a Boolean to a Double. true = 1, false = 0.
static Function<String,Double> FnString.toDouble(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a Double, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Double> FnString.toDouble(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           Converts a String into a Double, using the default configuration for for decimal point and thousands separator and establishing the specified scale.
static Function<Number,Double> FnNumber.toDouble(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It converts the input into a Double using the given scale and RoundingMode
static Function<String,Double> FnString.toDouble(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode, DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a Double, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint) and establishing the specified scale.
static Function<String,Double> FnString.toDouble(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode, Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a Double, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration and establishing the specified scale.
static Function<String,Double> FnString.toDouble(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode, String locale)
           Converts a String into a Double, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration and establishing the specified scale.
static Function<String,Double> FnString.toDouble(Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a Double, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<String,Double> FnString.toDouble(String locale)
           Converts a String into a Double, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<String,Float> FnString.toFloat()
           Converts a String into a Float, using the default configuration for for decimal point and precision.
static Function<Number,Float> FnNumber.toFloat()
           It converts the input into a Float
static Function<Boolean,Float> FnBoolean.toFloat()
           Converts a Boolean to a Float. true = 1, false = 0.
static Function<String,Float> FnString.toFloat(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a Float, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Float> FnString.toFloat(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           Converts a String into a Float, using the default configuration for for decimal point and thousands separator and establishing the specified scale.
static Function<Number,Float> FnNumber.toFloat(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It converts the target object into a Float using the given scale and RoundingMode
static Function<String,Float> FnString.toFloat(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode, DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a Float, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint) and establishing the specified scale.
static Function<String,Float> FnString.toFloat(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode, Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a Float, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration and establishing the specified scale.
static Function<String,Float> FnString.toFloat(int scale, RoundingMode roundingMode, String locale)
           Converts a String into a Float, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration and establishing the specified scale.
static Function<String,Float> FnString.toFloat(Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a Float, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<String,Float> FnString.toFloat(String locale)
           Converts a String into a Float, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
<K,V> Function<Set<T>,Map<K,Set<V>>>
FnSetOf.toGroupMap(IFunction<? super T,K> keyFunction, IFunction<? super T,V> valueFunction)
<K,V> Function<List<T>,Map<K,List<V>>>
FnListOf.toGroupMap(IFunction<? super T,K> keyFunction, IFunction<? super T,V> valueFunction)
<K,V> Function<Set<T>,Map<K,Set<V>>>
FnSetOf.toGroupMap(IFunction<? super T,Map.Entry<K,V>> mapBuilder)
<K,V> Function<List<T>,Map<K,List<V>>>
FnListOf.toGroupMap(IFunction<? super T,Map.Entry<K,V>> mapBuilder)
<K,V> Function<T[],Map<K,V[]>>
FnArrayOf.toGroupMapOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<V> valueType, IFunction<? super T,K> keyFunction, IFunction<? super T,V> valueFunction)
<K,V> Function<T[],Map<K,V[]>>
FnArrayOf.toGroupMapOf(org.javaruntype.type.Type<V> valueType, IFunction<? super T,Map.Entry<K,V>> mapBuilder)
static Function<String,String> FnString.toHexadecimal(Charset charset)
           Converts the target String into the Hexadecimal representation of its bytes using the specified Charset to obtain them (the bytes).
static Function<String,Integer> FnString.toInteger()
           Converts a String into an Integer, using the default configuration.
static Function<Number,Integer> FnNumber.toInteger()
           It converts the target into an Integer
static Function<Boolean,Integer> FnBoolean.toInteger()
           Converts a Boolean to a Integer. true = 1, false = 0.
static Function<String,Integer> FnString.toInteger(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into an Integer, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Integer> FnString.toInteger(int radix)
           Converts a String into an Integer, using the specified radix for computing the equivalent number.
static Function<String,Integer> FnString.toInteger(Locale locale)
           Converts a String into an Integer, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<String,Integer> FnString.toInteger(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           Converts a String into an Integer, using the default configuration for for decimal point and thousands separator.
static Function<Number,Integer> FnNumber.toInteger(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It converts the input into an Integer using the given RoundingMode
static Function<String,Integer> FnString.toInteger(RoundingMode roundingMode, DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into an Integer, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Integer> FnString.toInteger(RoundingMode roundingMode, Locale locale)
           Converts a String into an Integer, using the specified locale for determining decimal point.
static Function<String,Integer> FnString.toInteger(RoundingMode roundingMode, String locale)
           Converts a String into an Integer, using the specified locale for determining decimal point.
static Function<String,Integer> FnString.toInteger(String locale)
           Converts a String into an Integer, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
 Function<Set<T>,List<T>> FnSetOf.toList()
 Function<T[],List<T>> FnArrayOf.toList()
<X extends org.javatuples.Tuple>
static Function<String,Long> FnString.toLong()
           Converts a String into a Long, using the default configuration.
static Function<Number,Long> FnNumber.toLong()
           It converts the input into a Long
static Function<Boolean,Long> FnBoolean.toLong()
           Converts a Boolean to a Long. true = 1, false = 0.
static Function<String,Long> FnString.toLong(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a Long, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Long> FnString.toLong(int radix)
           Converts a String into a Long, using the specified radix for computing the equivalent number.
static Function<String,Long> FnString.toLong(Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a Long, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<String,Long> FnString.toLong(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           Converts a String into a Long, using the default configuration for for decimal point and thousands separator.
static Function<Number,Long> FnNumber.toLong(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It converts the input into a Long using the given RoundingMode
static Function<String,Long> FnString.toLong(RoundingMode roundingMode, DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a Long, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Long> FnString.toLong(RoundingMode roundingMode, Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a Long, using the specified locale for determining decimal point.
static Function<String,Long> FnString.toLong(RoundingMode roundingMode, String locale)
           Converts a String into a Long, using the specified locale for determining decimal point.
static Function<String,Long> FnString.toLong(String locale)
           Converts a String into a Long, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<String,String> FnString.toLowerCase()
           Converts the target String to lower case.
<K,V> Function<Set<T>,Map<K,V>>
FnSetOf.toMap(IFunction<? super T,K> keyFunction, IFunction<? super T,V> valueFunction)
<K,V> Function<List<T>,Map<K,V>>
FnListOf.toMap(IFunction<? super T,K> keyFunction, IFunction<? super T,V> valueFunction)
<K,V> Function<T[],Map<K,V>>
FnArrayOf.toMap(IFunction<? super T,K> keyFunction, IFunction<? super T,V> valueFunction)
<K,V> Function<Set<T>,Map<K,V>>
FnSetOf.toMap(IFunction<? super T,Map.Entry<K,V>> mapBuilder)
<K,V> Function<List<T>,Map<K,V>>
FnListOf.toMap(IFunction<? super T,Map.Entry<K,V>> mapBuilder)
<K,V> Function<T[],Map<K,V>>
FnArrayOf.toMap(IFunction<? super T,Map.Entry<K,V>> mapBuilder)
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toPercentStr()
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toPercentStr()
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number.
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toPercentStr()
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number.
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toPercentStr()
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number.
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toPercentStr()
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toPercentStr()
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number.
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toPercentStr()
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toPercentStr()
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number.
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toPercentStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number either using grouping or not depending on the given parameter.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toPercentStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number either using grouping or not depending on the given parameter.
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toPercentStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number either using grouping or not depending on the given parameter.
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toPercentStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number either using grouping or not depending on the given parameter.
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toPercentStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number either using grouping or not depending on the given parameter.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toPercentStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number either using grouping or not depending on the given parameter.
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toPercentStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number either using grouping or not depending on the given parameter.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toPercentStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number either using grouping or not depending on the given parameter.
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toPercentStr(Locale locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toPercentStr(Locale locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toPercentStr(Locale locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toPercentStr(Locale locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toPercentStr(Locale locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toPercentStr(Locale locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toPercentStr(Locale locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toPercentStr(Locale locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toPercentStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toPercentStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toPercentStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toPercentStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toPercentStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toPercentStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toPercentStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toPercentStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toPercentStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toPercentStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toPercentStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toPercentStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale and using the other given parameters as well.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toPercentStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale and using the other given parameters as well.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toPercentStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale and using the other given parameters as well.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toPercentStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale and using the other given parameters as well.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toPercentStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale and using the other given parameters as well.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toPercentStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given Locale and using the other given parameters as well.
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toPercentStr(String locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toPercentStr(String locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toPercentStr(String locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toPercentStr(String locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toPercentStr(String locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toPercentStr(String locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toPercentStr(String locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toPercentStr(String locale)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toPercentStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toPercentStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toPercentStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toPercentStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toPercentStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toPercentStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale.
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toPercentStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toPercentStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toPercentStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toPercentStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toPercentStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toPercentStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale and using the other given parameters as well.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toPercentStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale and using the other given parameters as well.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toPercentStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale and using the other given parameters as well.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toPercentStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale and using the other given parameters as well.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toPercentStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale and using the other given parameters as well.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toPercentStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           A String representing a percentage is created from the target number in the given locale and using the other given parameters as well.
 Function<List<T>,Set<T>> FnListOf.toSet()
 Function<T[],Set<T>> FnArrayOf.toSet()
static Function<String,Short> FnString.toShort()
           Converts a String into a Short, using the default configuration.
static Function<Number,Short> FnNumber.toShort()
           It converts the input into a Short
static Function<Boolean,Short> FnBoolean.toShort()
           Converts a Boolean to a Short. true = 1, false = 0.
static Function<String,Short> FnString.toShort(DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a Short, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Short> FnString.toShort(int radix)
           Converts a String into a Short, using the specified radix for computing the equivalent number.
static Function<String,Short> FnString.toShort(Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a Short, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<String,Short> FnString.toShort(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           Converts a String into a Short, using the default configuration for for decimal point and thousands separator.
static Function<Number,Short> FnNumber.toShort(RoundingMode roundingMode)
           It converts the target into a Short using the given RoundingMode
static Function<String,Short> FnString.toShort(RoundingMode roundingMode, DecimalPoint decimalPoint)
           Converts a String into a Short, using the specified decimal point configuration (DecimalPoint).
static Function<String,Short> FnString.toShort(RoundingMode roundingMode, Locale locale)
           Converts a String into a Short, using the specified locale for determining decimal point.
static Function<String,Short> FnString.toShort(RoundingMode roundingMode, String locale)
           Converts a String into a Short, using the specified locale for determining decimal point.
static Function<String,Short> FnString.toShort(String locale)
           Converts a String into a Short, using the specified locale for decimal point and thousands separator configuration.
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toStr()
           It returns the String representation of the input number
static Function<Object,String> FnObject.toStr()
           Converts the target object to String using the default toString() method.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toStr()
           It returns the String representation of the input number
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toStr()
           It returns the String representation of the input number
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toStr()
           It returns the String representation of the input number
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toStr()
           It returns the String representation of the input number
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toStr()
           It returns the String representation of the input number
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toStr()
           It returns the String representation of the input number
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toStr()
           It returns the String representation of the input number
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the input number either using or not using grouping
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the input number either using or not using grouping
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the input number either using or not using grouping
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the input number either using or not using grouping
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the input number either using or not using grouping
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the input number either using or not using grouping
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the input number either using or not using grouping
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toStr(boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the input number either using or not using grouping
static Function<Date,String> FnDate.toStr(DateStyle dateStyle, TimeStyle timeStyle)
           Converts the target Date into a String using the specified date (DateStyle) and time (TimeStyle) styles.
static Function<Calendar,String> FnCalendar.toStr(DateStyle dateStyle, TimeStyle timeStyle)
           Converts the target Calendar into a String using the specified date (DateStyle) and time (TimeStyle) styles.
static Function<Date,String> FnDate.toStr(DateStyle dateStyle, TimeStyle timeStyle, Locale locale)
           Converts the target Date into a String using the specified date (DateStyle) and time (TimeStyle) styles, and resolving text-based components like month names using the specified locale.
static Function<Calendar,String> FnCalendar.toStr(DateStyle dateStyle, TimeStyle timeStyle, Locale locale)
           Converts the target Calendar into a String using the specified date (DateStyle) and time (TimeStyle) styles, and resolving text-based components like month names using the specified locale.
static Function<Date,String> FnDate.toStr(DateStyle dateStyle, TimeStyle timeStyle, String locale)
           Converts the target Calendar into a String using the specified date (DateStyle) and time (TimeStyle) styles, and resolving text-based components like month names using the specified locale.
static Function<Calendar,String> FnCalendar.toStr(DateStyle dateStyle, TimeStyle timeStyle, String locale)
           Converts the target Calendar into a String using the specified date (DateStyle) and time (TimeStyle) styles, and resolving text-based components like month names using the specified locale.
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toStr(Locale locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toStr(Locale locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toStr(Locale locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given Locale.
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale
static Function<Date,String> FnDate.toStr(String pattern)
           Converts the target Date into a String using the specified pattern.
static Function<Calendar,String> FnCalendar.toStr(String pattern)
           Converts the target Calendar into a String using the specified pattern.
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toStr(String locale)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale
static Function<Short,String> FnShort.toStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Long,String> FnLong.toStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Integer,String> FnInteger.toStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Float,String> FnFloat.toStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<BigInteger,String> FnBigInteger.toStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toStr(String locale, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, boolean groupingUsed, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Number,String> FnNumber.toStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Double,String> FnDouble.toStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<BigDecimal,String> FnBigDecimal.toStr(String locale, int minIntegerDigits, int minFractionDigits, int maxFractionDigits, char groupingSeparator, char decimalSeparator, boolean decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown)
           It returns the String representation of the target number in the given locale.
static Function<Date,String> FnDate.toStr(String pattern, Locale locale)
           Converts the target Date into a String using the specified pattern.
static Function<Calendar,String> FnCalendar.toStr(String pattern, Locale locale)
           Converts the target Calendar into a String using the specified pattern.
static Function<Date,String> FnDate.toStr(String pattern, String locale)
           Converts the target Date into a String using the specified pattern.
static Function<Calendar,String> FnCalendar.toStr(String pattern, String locale)
           Converts the target Calendar into a String using the specified pattern.
static Function<Object,String> FnObject.toStrNullSafe()
           Converts the target object to String using the default toString() method, returning null if target is null.
static Function<String,String> FnString.toUpperCase()
           Converts the target String to upper case.
static Function<String,String> FnString.trim()
           Removes control characters (char <= 32) from both ends of the target String.
<X,A,B,C> Function<X,org.javatuples.Triplet<A,B,C>>
FnTuple.tripletWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function)
static Function<Date,Date> FnDate.truncate(int calendarField)
           Truncates the target Date, setting the specified field as the most significant field.
static Function<Calendar,Calendar> FnCalendar.truncate(int calendarField)
           Truncates the target Calendar, setting the specified field as the most significant field.
static Function<String,String> FnString.unCapitalize()
           Converts the first letter of each word in the target String to lowercase
static Function<String,String> FnString.unescapeCSV()
           Removes escaping from a String escaped for a CSV column.
static Function<String,String> FnString.unescapeHTML()
           Unescapes a string containing entity escapes to a string containing the actual Unicode characters corresponding to the escapes.
static Function<String,String> FnString.unescapeJavaScript()
           Unescapes any JavaScript literals found in the String.
static Function<String,String> FnString.unescapeXML()
           Unescapes a string containing XML entity escapes to a string containing the actual Unicode characters corresponding to the escapes.
<X,A> Function<X,org.javatuples.Unit<A>>
FnTuple.unitWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function)
<T> Function<T,T>
FnFunc.whileFalse(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,T> function)
           Executes the specified function iteratively (first on the target, then on the result of the previous iteration) while the result of executing the condition function on the target object (or the result of the previous function iteration) is false.
<T> Function<T,T>
FnFunc.whileTrue(IFunction<? super T,Boolean> condition, IFunction<? super T,T> function)
           Executes the specified function iteratively (first on the target, then on the result of the previous iteration) while the result of executing the condition function on the target object (or the result of the previous function iteration) is true.
<K> Function<Set<T>,Map<K,Set<T>>>
FnSetOf.zipAndGroupKeys(K... keys)
<K> Function<List<T>,Map<K,List<T>>>
FnListOf.zipAndGroupKeys(K... keys)
<K> Function<T[],Map<K,T[]>>
FnArrayOf.zipAndGroupKeys(K... keys)
<K> Function<Set<T>,Map<K,Set<T>>>
FnSetOf.zipAndGroupKeysBy(IFunction<? super T,K> eval)
<K> Function<List<T>,Map<K,List<T>>>
FnListOf.zipAndGroupKeysBy(IFunction<? super T,K> eval)
<K> Function<T[],Map<K,T[]>>
FnArrayOf.zipAndGroupKeysBy(IFunction<? super T,K> eval)
<K> Function<Set<T>,Map<K,Set<T>>>
FnSetOf.zipAndGroupKeysFrom(Collection<K> keys)
<K> Function<List<T>,Map<K,List<T>>>
FnListOf.zipAndGroupKeysFrom(Collection<K> keys)
<K> Function<T[],Map<K,T[]>>
FnArrayOf.zipAndGroupKeysFrom(Collection<K> keys)
<K> Function<Set<T>,Map<K,Set<T>>>
FnSetOf.zipAndGroupKeysFrom(K[] keys)
<K> Function<List<T>,Map<K,List<T>>>
FnListOf.zipAndGroupKeysFrom(K[] keys)
<K> Function<T[],Map<K,T[]>>
FnArrayOf.zipAndGroupKeysFrom(K[] keys)
<V> Function<T[],Map<T,V[]>>
FnArrayOf.zipAndGroupValues(org.javaruntype.type.Type<V> valueType, V... values)
<V> Function<Set<T>,Map<T,Set<V>>>
FnSetOf.zipAndGroupValues(V... values)
<V> Function<List<T>,Map<T,List<V>>>
FnListOf.zipAndGroupValues(V... values)
<V> Function<Set<T>,Map<T,Set<V>>>
FnSetOf.zipAndGroupValuesBy(IFunction<? super T,V> eval)
<V> Function<List<T>,Map<T,List<V>>>
FnListOf.zipAndGroupValuesBy(IFunction<? super T,V> eval)
<V> Function<T[],Map<T,V[]>>
FnArrayOf.zipAndGroupValuesBy(org.javaruntype.type.Type<V> valueType, IFunction<? super T,V> eval)
<V> Function<Set<T>,Map<T,Set<V>>>
FnSetOf.zipAndGroupValuesFrom(Collection<V> values)
<V> Function<List<T>,Map<T,List<V>>>
FnListOf.zipAndGroupValuesFrom(Collection<V> values)
<V> Function<T[],Map<T,V[]>>
FnArrayOf.zipAndGroupValuesFrom(org.javaruntype.type.Type<V> valueType, Collection<V> values)
<V> Function<T[],Map<T,V[]>>
FnArrayOf.zipAndGroupValuesFrom(org.javaruntype.type.Type<V> valueType, V[] values)
<V> Function<Set<T>,Map<T,Set<V>>>
FnSetOf.zipAndGroupValuesFrom(V[] values)
<V> Function<List<T>,Map<T,List<V>>>
FnListOf.zipAndGroupValuesFrom(V[] values)
<K> Function<Set<T>,Map<K,T>>
FnSetOf.zipKeys(K... keys)
<K> Function<List<T>,Map<K,T>>
FnListOf.zipKeys(K... keys)
<K> Function<T[],Map<K,T>>
FnArrayOf.zipKeys(K... keys)
<K> Function<Set<T>,Map<K,T>>
FnSetOf.zipKeysBy(IFunction<? super T,K> eval)
<K> Function<List<T>,Map<K,T>>
FnListOf.zipKeysBy(IFunction<? super T,K> eval)
<K> Function<T[],Map<K,T>>
FnArrayOf.zipKeysBy(IFunction<? super T,K> eval)
<K> Function<Set<T>,Map<K,T>>
FnSetOf.zipKeysFrom(Collection<K> keys)
<K> Function<List<T>,Map<K,T>>
FnListOf.zipKeysFrom(Collection<K> keys)
<K> Function<T[],Map<K,T>>
FnArrayOf.zipKeysFrom(Collection<K> keys)
<K> Function<Set<T>,Map<K,T>>
FnSetOf.zipKeysFrom(K[] keys)
<K> Function<List<T>,Map<K,T>>
FnListOf.zipKeysFrom(K[] keys)
<K> Function<T[],Map<K,T>>
FnArrayOf.zipKeysFrom(K[] keys)
<V> Function<Set<T>,Map<T,V>>
FnSetOf.zipValues(V... values)
<V> Function<List<T>,Map<T,V>>
FnListOf.zipValues(V... values)
<V> Function<T[],Map<T,V>>
FnArrayOf.zipValues(V... values)
<V> Function<Set<T>,Map<T,V>>
FnSetOf.zipValuesBy(IFunction<? super T,V> eval)
<V> Function<List<T>,Map<T,V>>
FnListOf.zipValuesBy(IFunction<? super T,V> eval)
<V> Function<T[],Map<T,V>>
FnArrayOf.zipValuesBy(IFunction<? super T,V> eval)
<V> Function<Set<T>,Map<T,V>>
FnSetOf.zipValuesFrom(Collection<V> values)
<V> Function<List<T>,Map<T,V>>
FnListOf.zipValuesFrom(Collection<V> values)
<V> Function<T[],Map<T,V>>
FnArrayOf.zipValuesFrom(Collection<V> values)
<V> Function<Set<T>,Map<T,V>>
FnSetOf.zipValuesFrom(V[] values)
<V> Function<List<T>,Map<T,V>>
FnListOf.zipValuesFrom(V[] values)
<V> Function<T[],Map<T,V>>
FnArrayOf.zipValuesFrom(V[] values)

Methods in org.op4j.functions with parameters of type Function
FnTuple.decadeWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function, Function<? super X,J> value9Function)
FnTuple.decadeWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function, Function<? super X,J> value9Function)
FnTuple.decadeWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function, Function<? super X,J> value9Function)
FnTuple.decadeWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function, Function<? super X,J> value9Function)
FnTuple.decadeWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function, Function<? super X,J> value9Function)
FnTuple.decadeWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function, Function<? super X,J> value9Function)
FnTuple.decadeWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function, Function<? super X,J> value9Function)
FnTuple.decadeWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function, Function<? super X,J> value9Function)
FnTuple.decadeWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function, Function<? super X,J> value9Function)
FnTuple.decadeWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function, Function<? super X,J> value9Function)
FnTuple.enneadWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function)
FnTuple.enneadWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function)
FnTuple.enneadWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function)
FnTuple.enneadWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function)
FnTuple.enneadWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function)
FnTuple.enneadWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function)
FnTuple.enneadWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function)
FnTuple.enneadWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function)
FnTuple.enneadWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function, Function<? super X,I> value8Function)
<X,A,B> Function<X,org.javatuples.KeyValue<A,B>>
FnTuple.keyValueWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function)
<X,A,B> Function<X,org.javatuples.KeyValue<A,B>>
FnTuple.keyValueWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function)
<X,A,B> Function<X,org.javatuples.LabelValue<A,B>>
FnTuple.labelValueWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function)
<X,A,B> Function<X,org.javatuples.LabelValue<A,B>>
FnTuple.labelValueWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function)
FnTuple.octetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function)
FnTuple.octetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function)
FnTuple.octetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function)
FnTuple.octetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function)
FnTuple.octetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function)
FnTuple.octetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function)
FnTuple.octetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function)
FnTuple.octetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function, Function<? super X,H> value7Function)
<X,A,B> Function<X,org.javatuples.Pair<A,B>>
FnTuple.pairWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function)
<X,A,B> Function<X,org.javatuples.Pair<A,B>>
FnTuple.pairWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function)
FnTuple.quartetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function)
FnTuple.quartetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function)
FnTuple.quartetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function)
FnTuple.quartetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function)
FnTuple.quintetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function)
FnTuple.quintetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function)
FnTuple.quintetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function)
FnTuple.quintetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function)
FnTuple.quintetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function)
FnTuple.septetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function)
FnTuple.septetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function)
FnTuple.septetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function)
FnTuple.septetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function)
FnTuple.septetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function)
FnTuple.septetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function)
FnTuple.septetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function, Function<? super X,G> value6Function)
FnTuple.sextetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function)
FnTuple.sextetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function)
FnTuple.sextetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function)
FnTuple.sextetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function)
FnTuple.sextetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function)
FnTuple.sextetWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function, Function<? super X,D> value3Function, Function<? super X,E> value4Function, Function<? super X,F> value5Function)
<X,A,B,C> Function<X,org.javatuples.Triplet<A,B,C>>
FnTuple.tripletWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function)
<X,A,B,C> Function<X,org.javatuples.Triplet<A,B,C>>
FnTuple.tripletWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function)
<X,A,B,C> Function<X,org.javatuples.Triplet<A,B,C>>
FnTuple.tripletWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function, Function<? super X,B> value1Function, Function<? super X,C> value2Function)
<X,A> Function<X,org.javatuples.Unit<A>>
FnTuple.unitWith(Function<? super X,A> value0Function)

Uses of Function in org.op4j.operators.impl.fn.array

Methods in org.op4j.operators.impl.fn.array that return Function
 Function<I,T[]> Level1ArraySelectedElementsSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,T[]> Level1ArraySelectedElementsOperator.get()
 Function<I,T[]> Level1ArrayElementsSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,T[]> Level1ArrayElementsOperator.get()
 Function<I,T[]> Level0ArraySelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,T[]> Level0ArrayOperator.get()

Uses of Function in org.op4j.operators.impl.fn.generic

Methods in org.op4j.operators.impl.fn.generic that return Function
 Function<I,T> Level0GenericUniqSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,T> Level0GenericUniqOperator.get()

Uses of Function in org.op4j.operators.impl.fn.list

Methods in org.op4j.operators.impl.fn.list that return Function
 Function<I,List<T>> Level1ListSelectedElementsSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,List<T>> Level1ListSelectedElementsOperator.get()
 Function<I,List<T>> Level1ListElementsSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,List<T>> Level1ListElementsOperator.get()
 Function<I,List<T>> Level0ListSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,List<T>> Level0ListOperator.get()

Uses of Function in

Methods in that return Function
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapSelectedEntriesValueSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapSelectedEntriesValueOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapSelectedEntriesSelectedValueSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapSelectedEntriesSelectedValueOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapSelectedEntriesSelectedKeySelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapSelectedEntriesSelectedKeyOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapSelectedEntriesKeySelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapSelectedEntriesKeyOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapEntriesValueSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapEntriesValueOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapEntriesSelectedValueSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapEntriesSelectedValueOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapEntriesSelectedKeySelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapEntriesSelectedKeyOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapEntriesKeySelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level2MapEntriesKeyOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level1MapSelectedEntriesSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level1MapSelectedEntriesOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level1MapEntriesSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level1MapEntriesOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level0MapSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Map<K,V>> Level0MapOperator.get()

Uses of Function in org.op4j.operators.impl.fn.set

Methods in org.op4j.operators.impl.fn.set that return Function
 Function<I,Set<T>> Level1SetSelectedElementsSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Set<T>> Level1SetSelectedElementsOperator.get()
 Function<I,Set<T>> Level1SetElementsSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Set<T>> Level1SetElementsOperator.get()
 Function<I,Set<T>> Level0SetSelectedOperator.get()
 Function<I,Set<T>> Level0SetOperator.get()

Uses of Function in org.op4j.operators.qualities

Methods in org.op4j.operators.qualities that return Function
 Function<I,T> UniqFnOperator.get()
           Returns a function which will execute all the logic specified from the "Fn.on" expression.

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